Chesterton Against Servility

Chesterton Against Servility

Chesterton wants to insist that no matter how hard or unlikely it might be for us to reestablish a decent human society, it is possible, if very difficult, to get there from here.

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The Dystopian Cashless Future We must Fight

The Dystopian Cashless Future We must Fight

The Global Capitalist system, which since 2008 has been visibly collapsing under the strain of the finance debt bubble, now requires the creation of massive new markets for investment and speculation, in order to survive.

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JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio

JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio

Operation Gladio, in reality, it was a bunch of fascists and literal “ex”-Nazis and others who staged false flag terror attacks to blame on left-wing governments, assisted in and/or organized and/or helped in various ways with political assassinations and other assorted nastiness.

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The Battleground Thanksgiving articles purport to wish us calm and happy feasts, but their cumulative practical effect is to make people want to hole up in their bedrooms planning their purchases at the next day’s sales.

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