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New technologies are not the problem. It’s a system distorted by a flawed ideology.
The ruling classes always work to keep the powerless from understanding how power functions. This assault has been aided by a cultural left determined to banish “dead white male” philosophers.
A key part of a court order in a major Internet censorship case is reinstated, but other parts, perhaps more important, are vacated.
If you could describe all of this in one word, what would that word be? “Me” Yep, “me” . . . in fact, “me, me, me, me, me, me.”
Individual rights and freedoms are said to undermine the wider needs of society and the planet – in a stark turnaround – personal freedom is now said to pose a threat to national security, public health or the climate.
If there had been no coup in Chile, there might not have been coups in Peru (1975) and Argentina (1976). Without these coups, perhaps the military dictatorships in Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay would have withdrawn in the face of popular agitation, inspired by Chile’s example.