Artificial Intelligence Caught Lying About Viruses

Artificial Intelligence Caught Lying About Viruses

Artificial Intelligence or AI platforms have been on the rise recently and millions of people are now engaging with them. We decided to put some questions about “viruses” to one of the most powerful chatbots currently in existence – ChatGPT.

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The MSM Finally Reports The Obvious While Covering Its Tracks

The MSM Finally Reports The Obvious While Covering Its Tracks

A UK dictatorship is nearing completion. The carefully crafted “revelations” of the Mail and halfhearted objections by a couple of MPs won’t make any difference. The UK government has passed and is intent upon passing more legislation to embolden its war against the British people with almost unanimous parliamentary consent.

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A Brave Young Teen Reads Orwell

A Brave Young Teen Reads Orwell

Dr. Garcia wondered whether this teenager understood the concepts of free expression and open debate, mired as she was in a corona culture of cancellation, suppression, ignorance and ostracism.

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How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP

How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP

By portraying the media as the victims of a “scam,” the actual PSYOP in which the media participated is erased, and their complicity is portrayed as mere “incompetence.”

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Ukraine: The War That Went Wrong

Ukraine: The War That Went Wrong

NATO support for the war in Ukraine, designed to degrade the Russian military and drive Vladimir Putin from power, is not going according to plan. The new sophisticated military hardware won’t help.

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