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Matt Orfalea’s new video chronicles one of the earliest and most damaging Covid mischaracterizations.
Christine Massey points out that no “virus” has been logically/scientifically shown to exist, and institutions in 40 countries align with what is seen in the virology literature: that there is zero “SARS-COV-2” science.
The steady withering of social programs that might nurture future troops even serves, ironically, to justify increased military spending.
Klaus Schwab, the Aspen Institute and others flip the meaning of a word that once meant the empowerment of populations against political elites.
In the end, future historians may agree that Trump was a clear and present danger to liberal democracy, but only because Democrats made him one.
Public money supposedly deployed to “fight poverty” or “save the planet” is in fact being used to build a nightmarish “smart” world, an all-inclusive digital slave-labour camp in which both human and natural capital are sources of sustainable enrichment and power for the global parasites.