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Worryingly, it seems that Robert Malone is advancing the same industrial-imperialist agenda as the World Bank!
Mexico’s most recent measure, seen by some as a signal that the president is standing up to the corporations and defending his country’s interests, is the reinstatement of a 50% tariff on white corn imports.
In early 2021, CCDH posted a report titled “The Disinformation Dozen” that alleged the majority of COVID vaccine disinformation came from just 12 accounts, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Many fellow anti-imperialists are rejoicing at what appears to be the collapse of this Western empire and its imminent replacement by a “multi-polar world order” based on the BRICS countries. However, they would do well to bear in mind that a world order is still a world order, whether or not it terms itself “multi-polar”.
It’s a scam competition. Whoever scams the best wins. How can you save the planet from destruction by human behavior when all of human behavior is driven by a bizarre scam competition?
Dr. Kheriaty’s response to a recent ‘analysis’ that frames Missouri v. Biden in entirely partisan terms, revealing an inadequate understanding of First Amendment guarantees.