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If civil and courteous and open debate, the fulcrum of any decent democratically-aspiring society, is to be forbidden, regulated by misinformation monitors, and censored by self-appointed guardians in social media and government, what then is left?
Just as ominous as the militarization of domestic police forces and training complexes to turn police into internal armies of occupation is the use of terrorism laws to charge and imprison activists, protesters and dissidents.
For a ‘Left’ which roundly denounced Trump as ‘literally Hitler’ (and which slandered Canadian truckers who protested vaxx mandates as ridgy-didge fascists), they have been stunningly mute when it comes to actual, Nazi-insignia-wearing fascists in the Ukrainian government and military.
When Covid began winding down as the hysteria de jour and the latest moral vanity project, the Covid hysterics were primed to latch onto Ukraine for their next fix of moral self-aggrandising, all dolled up in flashy liberal outrage and derision for the new political virus of Putin.
It won’t just be about about Covid passports, again as the us conspiracy theorists predicted. But, more than that, it won’t even just be passports…
Landlords — parasitic, indolent, unscrupulous landlords. In our oaths and curses, we reduce property owners to an existence of pure economic extractionism. Even landlords don’t want to be called landlords anymore.