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Whether Trump spoke with Putin or not, it’s high time that the U.S. and Russian leaders communicate to resolve the existential crisis over Ukraine.
Mr. Turley does not believe that further separation or isolation will help this country or these individuals.
People were to be isolated, given only food and some cleaning supplies. They would be banned from participating in any religious services. There were no provisions made for any legal appeals or even the right to legal counsel.
A note on Jimmy Kimmel, Howard Stern, Joe Biden, Stephen Colbert, and others.
Jimmy Kimmel, one of the era’s most infamous sources of misinformation, tearfully addresses a terrible night for “journalism” and “free speech.”
Americans can still do math. $17.9 billion dollars to Israel in one year, and $113.4 billion to Ukraine since 2022, yet no money available to rebuild crumbling infrastructure, reduce medical or educational debt, create affordable housing, fund public transit, or invest in job-creation?