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What are these “sovereign wealth funds”? How are they being used? What link, if any, do they have with people’s struggles around food sovereignty, land grabbing and today’s deepening climate crisis?
It seems a safe bet that the US would be a completely different country if separation of media and state and separation of corporation and state were enshrined like the separation of church and state is.
As observed on, “Smartphones, computers and electric vehicles may be emblems of the modern world, but … their rechargeable batteries are frequently powered by cobalt mined by workers laboring in slave-like conditions in the Democratic Republic of Congo.”
From now on, any further Twitter Files reporting — any actual reporting on the Censorship Industrial Complex at all — will be summarily dismissed as another episode of Elon’s Flying Narcissistic Circus.
The appeal to “scientific consensus” is fraught with problems, just like “the science is settled” and “trust the science” and other authoritarian tropes that have dominated the pandemic.
American democracy has surreptitiously and systematically been replaced by an oligarchy. Simply put, the U.S. Government today is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.