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Cochrane has a history of capitulating to pressure when researchers in the organisation come to scientific conclusions that are controversial.
The Fireflies were stuck in the false choice of The Trolley Problem — kill one or kill many. They could not conceive of any other possibilities. Joel was saying no, there are principles and obligations that are higher than utilitarianism.
We should remain vigilant and should continue to insist on mandatory labelling of all gene edited foods and push what many believe will be a new government in a year’s time to come up with a stronger regulatory framework.
SVB could be the canary in the coal mine foreshadowing the fate of other over-extended banks, but its collapse is not the sort of “systemic risk” predicted to trigger “contagion.”
Americans have been told a dangerous and uncertain world requires stronger managers and less freedom, but the decline of civil liberties is what started this mess.
One of the simplest and easiest techniques for controlling dissent is simply to pathologize it. Simply declaring resistance to the status quo to be a form of mental disorder can be an exceptionally powerful tool for silencing opposition.