The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany

The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany

Germany is not dispensing with the semblance of democracy. No, the German constitution will remain in effect. It’s just that the revised Infection Protection Act — like the “Enabling Act of 1933,” which granted the Nazi government the authority to issue any edicts it wanted under the guise of “remedying the distress of the people.”

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The Triumph of Death

The Triumph of Death

The global ruling class is cementing into place a world where they govern without accountability, we are reduced to serfdom, the climate crisis accelerates, and mass death is normalized.

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Censors remove Control Group report from preprint server

Censors remove Control Group report from preprint server

It seems there is a different course of action when science that does not support the mainstream narrative is heard outside the echo chamber of those who’ve exercised their right to refuse covid-19 ‘vaccines’. Yet another reminder of how censorship works in the post-covid world when research findings challenge the narrative.

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Only Star Trek can save the failing coronavirus narrative

Only Star Trek can save the failing coronavirus narrative

The coronavirus narrative is beginning to fall apart! What happened to the bold, enthusiastic James T. Kirks and Jean Luc Picards who would, despite waning vaccine efficacy, destroy the virus forever and take us where no one has has gone before? Our health leaders seem to have abandoned the truth that all coronavirus strategies must be rooted in the only future we can conceive—Star Trek.

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