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We have the knowledge to implement solutions that are good for humanity and the earth. If we manage to get rid of perverse incentives, and make it a logical step to go for such solutions, humanity can thrive and prosper.
Claire Dooley of DailyClout created an incredible film that highlights the similarities between the discrimination of gay people throughout the years and the discrimination against unvaccinated people that persists today.
Elected officials continue to turn to draconian measures to disappear homeless people. California is moving ahead with a plan that will allow the state to force the unhoused into court-ordered treatment programs for a period of up to two years – and potentially much longer.
The story of economic growth over the last centuries is the story of a conversion on non-monetized forms of wealth—call them natural, social, cultural, and spiritual capital—into monetized goods and services.
The foxes are guarding the hen house when it comes to billions under review by the Commission on the National Defense Strategy.
On Monday, the FDA through its various PR firms announced a “major shift” — that is actually just implementing the plan that they have had for a year — to make Covid shots annual like the failed flu shot program.