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It is a necessary function of the modern system to destroy all evidence of a reality other than its own and thus to render us blindly and helplessly dependent on its structures of control and exploitation – and on the philosophies it throws up to justify these structures.
The era of cheap fertilisers is over. The costs have become too much to bear— both in terms of the financial burden for farmers and public budgets, the severe environmental and health impacts, and the long-term risks to food security.
One might think that the idea of attacking people for not getting a COVID shot would be a thing of an unpleasant, misinformed past—that we could move on from this silly and dangerous exercise of scapegoating a large segment of a population. Not so.
From the lepers in the Old Testament to the plague of Justinian in Ancient Rome to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, lockdowns were never part of conventional public health measures.
Biden takes credit for writing the 2001 Patriot Act, which expanded the government’s ability to monitor anyone’s phone and email communications, collect bank and credit reporting records, and track activity on the Internet.
This is no time to call for the forgiveness of public officials, who knew what they were doing — and still do. Now the time to understand what happened in 2020, and who exactly is responsible.