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Modern agricultural activities and the global food demand account for 80% of deforestation, 70%, of freshwater use, 29% of greenhouse gas emissions as well as being the leading cause of biodiversity loss worldwide.
“Menticide is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a powerful dictator can imprint his own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those he plans to use and destroy.”
If we want to preserve our ability to achieve optimal vitamin D levels, we must speak out vehemently against Sen. Durbin’s bill and any attempt to sneak this policy into other unrelated bills.
The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more.
With the accelerating deterioration in quality and reliability of the conventional food supply, one of the best steps anyone can take for health and preparedness is to increase purchases of food produced by regenerative farmers and small-scale artisans. What follows is a summary of resources to help you find fresh food.
One of the main things that made me realize something had fundamentally changed with the Democratic Party was that in nearly all cases, regardless of public outcry, these laws were unanimously supported by Democratic state legislators and only opposed by Republican state legislators.