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No matter how much evidence accumulates against their usage and how ludicrously absurd their statements and justifications are, Philadelphia and Los Angeles represent the future of masking; a clearly useless intervention, designed by incompetent and panicked “experts.”
The Coronavirus response has resembled the Vietnam War. To begin with, the justifications for starting the War and the Lockdowns were similarly questionable.
Agile governance may sound innocent—but in practice, it most certainly stands for a world in which transparent citizens live in a proverbial panopticon, monitored by technology—and billionaires enjoy traditional private lives and their large oceanfront properties, and limit their kids’ access to technology so that they grow up sharp.
Ellsberg: The rationale that US and Russian leaders use when sabre-rattling is clear: the threat of nuclear war justifies obscene military spending and lines the pockets of arms dealers in both countries.
This might be news to many members of the public, but it is a long-accepted scientific fact that lipid nanoparticles used to deliver the mRNA in ‘vaccines’ can be toxic.
Chris Hedges speaks with British journalist Peter Oborne about worthy and unworthy victims, those we are allowed to pity, such as Ukrainians, and those, such as Palestinians or Iraqis, we ignore.