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We have watched as the New Normal transformed our societies into paranoid, pathologized, authoritarian dystopias where people now have to show their “papers” to see a movie or get a cup of coffee and publicly display their ideological conformity to enter a supermarket and buy their groceries.
Biden: “I think the door-knockers should look official..not cops or military, at first, but, you know, official. I think they need cool uniforms, sort of.. what’s the word I’m looking for…quasi military. And the uniforms should be blue…yeah…Democrat blue.”
Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment. Ivory Hecker, Houston Fox26 reporter was banned from reporting on Dr. Joseph Varon, who leads the COVID-19 unit at United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) in Houston, has been trying to get the word out about it since the start of the pandemic.
The problem with this “solution” film is that it doesn’t offer any real solutions. While the overall concept is a good one and this film serves as a good introduction to the concept that restoring and revitalizing farmland will help to reverse climate change, it has no idea how to get there.
This about says it all. Biden now bombing poorest people on earth. What are the “push Biden” left liberals doing? They’re having brunch. Every time you vote for a democrat, you’re voting against your interests.
Covid-19 cases are rising, but the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” blame-game campaign is the worst way to address the problem.