Wars, resets and the global criminocracy

Wars, resets and the global criminocracy

After both world wars, the idea of a “post-war” reality, to which people had to adapt, was used to ramp up industrialism and modernity, destroying traditional agriculture and communities and declaring old ways of thinking and living as being unsuited to the brave new normal.

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The Invisible Rainbow

The Invisible Rainbow

One of the reasons why we are discovering that “everything is a lie”, is because electricity has been removed from all our models of understanding the world, our understanding of life and how it “works”.

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The Media Skew Public Perception By…

The Media Skew Public Perception By…

The mass media in general and The New York Times in particular are notorious for their passive language “Palestinian child ceases breathing after encountering bullet” headlines when promoting Israeli information interests.

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is scientific publication a discipline or a racket?

is scientific publication a discipline or a racket?

they hold “peer review” forth like some sort of talisman, proof that whatever possibly religious documents you are about to wave around are the true and validated word of the almighty and constitute “the science which must be trusted.”

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