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Warrior-cops: America’s forever wars are coming home, and heavily-armed and -armored police forces will ensure order. They are here to protect and serve those who give them their orders which, if you’re reading this, probably isn’t you.
Student protesters across the country exhibit a moral and physical courage — many are facing suspension and expulsion — that shames every major institution in the country.
Nigeria’s Cybercrime Act became the country’s first legislation to specifically deal with cybercrime-related offences, such as cyberbullying, online fraud, and unlawful activities carried out on social media by an individual or groups with malicious intent.
If we separate out our individual selves from our larger social context we cannot reason together morally about the things that are social by nature. As modernity erodes our shared social existence it also erodes individual identity and the capacity for a shared moral framework.
You may have heard that the last omnibus funding bill included electronic ID, which is unfortunately true … but it still hinges on the USDA rule going into effect. So we can still stop it if Congress takes action in the Farm Bill!
This ruling gang, which is essentially nothing but an occupying force, shares neither the specific local moral codes of the various peoples it rules over, nor the general human sense of right and wrong that would once have been shared by its own ancestors.