Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment

Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment

Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment. Ivory Hecker, Houston Fox26 reporter was banned from reporting on Dr. Joseph Varon, who leads the COVID-19 unit at United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) in Houston, has been trying to get the word out about it since the start of the pandemic.

SARS-CoV-2—neither novel, nor unexpected.

SARS-CoV-2—neither novel, nor unexpected.

After examining corona virus patent applications since 1999, Dr. David E. Martin concludes that SARS-CoV-2 is neither novel, nor unexpected given the pharmaceutical industries’ 20-year desire to create a vaccine to treat it. “You need to create the illusion of demand and there’s nothing right now that does a better job of creating that illusion than creating the urgency by an event that you have manufactured.”

Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism

Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism

Whitney Webb joins James Corbett to discuss the transhumanist agenda, what the ex-DARPA, ex-Silicon Valley old hands at the newly created Wellcome Leap are planning to do in their quest to transform the human species in the coming decade. 2030 is coming!

Alameda County COVID-19 Death Toll Lowered by 25% After Counting Method Change

Alameda County COVID-19 Death Toll Lowered by 25% After Counting Method Change

Using the older definition of COVID-19 deaths, a resident who had COVID-19 but died due to another cause, like a car accident, this person would be included in the total number of reported COVID-19 deaths for Alameda County. Under the updated definition of COVID-19 deaths, this person would not be included in the total because COVID-19 was not a contributing factor in the death.

Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be “Right-Wing”?

Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be “Right-Wing”?

A potential Covid-19 treatment has become hostage to a larger global fight between populists and anti-populists. Ivermectin has suffered the same fate as thousands of other news topics since Donald Trump first announced his run for the presidency nearly six years ago, cleaved in two to inhabit separate factual universes for left and right audiences.

“This whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine.”

“This whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine.”

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is vice chairman of medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas. An internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, he is the editor in chief of “Cardiorenal Medicine” and “Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.” He has authored over 500 cited works in the National Library of Medicine.

COVID Diagnosis with PCR | Misinterpreting results

COVID Diagnosis with PCR | Misinterpreting results

This video explains why RT-PCR tests, which are the gold standard for diagnostic testing, may be hindering our fight against COVID-19; how, after seven months, we still aren’t doing testing right; and what experts believe needs to change.

RFK, Jr. Warned FDA About Ingredient in Pfizer COVID Vaccine

RFK, Jr. Warned FDA About Ingredient in Pfizer COVID Vaccine

An investigation this identified polyethylene glycol (PEG) as the likely reason two people in the UK suffered anaphylaxis after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. In September 2020, CHD Chairman RFK, Jr. warned the FDA that PEG in COVID vaccines could lead to severe allergic reactions.