Do we need Caesar Elon Musk?

Do we need Caesar Elon Musk?

The deeper battle over Twitter isn’t about free speech at all. That ship has long since sailed. Rather, it’s a fight for control of a key crucible of political consensus-formation, between those who prefer power to be vested in named individuals, and those who prefer to be ruled by self-organising swarm.

Officials Manipulated COVID Data to Exaggerate Crisis

Officials Manipulated COVID Data to Exaggerate Crisis

“Data was very easily used by influencers and decision-makers to fit particular narratives,” Norman Fenton, Ph.D., a mathematician at Queen Mary University of London, said in an interview on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

American Occupation

American Occupation

Brave dissenters willing to defy an oppressive orthodoxy are our country’s best hope. it is time for us all to overcome the occupation by standing up to those tyrannies under which we are not prepared to live.

The Pimps of War, Chris Hedges

The Pimps of War, Chris Hedges

They are pimps of war, puppets of the Pentagon, a state within a state, and the defense contractors who lavishly fund their think tanks – Project for the New American Century, American Enterprise Institute, Foreign Policy Initiative, Institute for the Study of War, Atlantic Council and Brookings Institute. Like some mutant strain of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, they cannot be vanquished. It does not matter how wrong they are,

Orwell Was Right

Orwell Was Right

From free speech to “spheres of influence” to our passion for endless war, we’ve become the doublethinkers 1984 predicted.

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

Dividing the world into worthy and unworthy victims is a tactic used to justify our crimes and demonize our enemies. Conflicts will not be solved until all nations abide by international law and all victims are deemed worthy.

The silent majority

The silent majority

School closures in the USA were disproportionately in liberal strongholds and attitudes were temporaly linked to Trump’s advocacy. Closing school for more than a year is the greatest domestic policy failure of the last 25 years.

Substack: The Folly of Pandemic Censorship, by Matt Taibbi

Substack: The Folly of Pandemic Censorship, by Matt Taibbi

As the latest anti-Substack campaign shows, more and more people are forgetting why free speech works. Even in a society with fairly robust protections, as ours once was, the most dangerous misinformation is always, without exception, official.