RFK Jr. Doubles Down on Oath of Allegiance to Israel

by Rusere Shoniwa | Jul 28, 2023

When RFK Jnr decided to throw Roger Waters under the bus, I saw that incident as a red flag. I wrote about its potential implications for the huge amount of hope that has been invested by the freedom movement in a Kennedy US presidential bid.

Max Blumenthal has echoed my doubts about RFK Jnr in a tweet today which I have republished in full below. Kennedy is now doubling down on the obligatory oath of allegiance to Israel, a requirement for any US presidential hopeful. It’s another milestone in assessing the sincerity or ability of RFK Jnr to deliver policies that would have a significant impact on reversing the globalist Agenda 2030 programme.

It’s hard to imagine that someone with an intact political brain could actually believe the vitriolic pro-Israeli propaganda Kennedy spouted in his conversation with Shmuley Boteach, “America’s Rabbi” and leading defender of Israel. If he has bent the knee to the Israel lobby, he is not a free man and he’s not working for your freedom.

Kennedy in my opinion is a wrong ‘un. The scary thing is he’s going to be a deft political operator too. If he goes far, and he’s already showing he knows how to appease the power structures that need to be appeased, get ready for a swindle.

Here is the Max Blumenthal tweet:

Watch @RobertKennedyJr demolish his credibility as a peace candidate in 4.5 minutes. A campaign that began as a defiant broadside against the war state and censorship industrial complex has suddenly pivoted to a bellicose exercise in pandering to rich Likudniks who seek war with Iran, the permanent violent warehousing of Palestinians and the criminalization of activism that challenges Israeli apartheid.


RFK Jr’s host was Shmuley Boteach, a professional race hustler and alleged financial fraudster who owes the existence of his one-man political operation to the fortune of Sheldon Adelson, the late ultra-Zionist oligarch who called for dropping a nuclear weapon on Iran.


If RFK was not handed a massive wad of Benjamins to suck up to Shmuley, he was embarrassing himself for free, because he was clearly out of his depth.


During a rambling, militaristic diatribe, he referred to hijabs as “habibs,” pronounced Chechnya as though he hadn’t heard of the place until twenty minutes before the event, and offered a history of Israel’s creation so cartoonishly propagandistic, it made Alan Dershowitz look like Ilan Pappe.


RFK Jr took it upon himself – or was taken on – to defend the Israeli army’s brigade-sized invasion of Jenin, during which it bombed buildings with fighter jets and ran bulldozers through the middle of a refugee camp. He referred to the entire city as “a bomb factory,” justifying the invasion because, in his words, “virtually one hundred percent of the people there are supporting terrorism.” According to RFK, “everybody [in Jenin] is involved in bomb making” – there are no civilians there at all, therefore all are legitimate targets.


He did not seem to know that the Palestinian campaign of suicide bombing ended well over 15 years ago, or that the Palestinian Authority is legally forbidden from defending Palestinians from Israeli violence – its primary function is to act as an occupation subcontractor. According to RFK Jr, the PA has an official “pay-to-slay policy,” in which “if you kill any Jew, you are going to get awarded with pay for life.” Even professional AIPAC lobbyists shy away from this kind of baseless invective.


The half-baked hasbara escalated from there as RFK Jr cited Richard Kemp, a former British army officer who subsists on Israel lobby speaking fees, to claim “the conduct of the IDF, the Israeli defense forces when they go into Palestinian territories, is beyond anything in the world.”


While Israeli army commanders openly adhere to the Dahiya Doctrine, named for the Beirut neighborhood Israel leveled in 2006, and which calls for targeting Arab civilians in order to turn them against their leadership, RFK Jr insisted that Israel’s policy is to “avoid civilian casualties” – it exclusively attacks military targets.


It is hard to believe RFK Jr’s ahistorical, belligerent line on Israel-Palestine was not bought and paid for by some pro-Israel billionaire. Which means he’s just as corruptible as any Democrat or GOP hack. But if he actually believes what he’s saying, he’s also at least as pro-war as they are.” [emphasis added]

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