Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
Netanyahu Goes for Broke

Netanyahu Goes for Broke

The Israeli prime minister has chosen this moment to mount a go-for-broke attempt to bring the U.S. into some kind of once-for-all conflict that would leave Israel supreme in the region.

“Who Is THEY?”

“Who Is THEY?”

“Deep state,” “global cabal,” “illuminati” and “shadow government.” The individuals orchestrating this attempted global takeover operate covertly within the government to alter public policies and laws while shaping culture and narratives.

Escaping the industrial nightmare

Escaping the industrial nightmare

“Only libertarian principles have the capacity to get humanity out of the dead end in which it has gone astray: refusal of authority; rejection of all domination and exploitation; free association of producers; mutual aid and co-operation, federalism…”

Emma Goldman: A New Declaration of Independence

Emma Goldman: A New Declaration of Independence

A vast country, rich enough to supply all her children with all possible comforts, and ensure well-being to all, is in the hands of a few, while the nameless millions are at the mercy of ruthless wealth gatherers, unscrupulous lawmakers, and corrupt politicians.

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