Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
The Media Skew Public Perception By…

The Media Skew Public Perception By…

The mass media in general and The New York Times in particular are notorious for their passive language “Palestinian child ceases breathing after encountering bullet” headlines when promoting Israeli information interests.

is scientific publication a discipline or a racket?

is scientific publication a discipline or a racket?

they hold “peer review” forth like some sort of talisman, proof that whatever possibly religious documents you are about to wave around are the true and validated word of the almighty and constitute “the science which must be trusted.”

A Farewell to Virology Parts 1, 2 and 3

A Farewell to Virology Parts 1, 2 and 3

The layperson may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax–that “viruses” exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don’t.

Germinating The Ancient Seeds Within

Germinating The Ancient Seeds Within

The system of agriculture we have been conditioned to see as “normal” is insane, anti-human, ecologically degenerative, irrational, hubristic and nothing more than a means for profiteering and using food as a weapon (at the cost of human health and the integrity of the biosphere).

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. Bombs also make people rich.

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