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When the government takes upon itself the task of monitoring and shaping your behavior (through surveillance) and your thoughts (through censorship), we have a perfectly apt name for this. It’s called mind control.
As far as Anderson Cooper is concerned, criticizing the US for the destruction of Iraq requires not just interrogation but immediate hostile opposition, while falsely accusing West of working with a literal Russian agent doesn’t even merit a single follow-up question.
While Wigington has tried to raise awareness about the reality of climate engineering for the last two decades, his work is now gaining traction after the White House announced it’s backing a plan to block sunlight in a climate engineering effort.
Worryingly, it seems that Robert Malone is advancing the same industrial-imperialist agenda as the World Bank!
Mexico’s most recent measure, seen by some as a signal that the president is standing up to the corporations and defending his country’s interests, is the reinstatement of a 50% tariff on white corn imports.
In early 2021, CCDH posted a report titled “The Disinformation Dozen” that alleged the majority of COVID vaccine disinformation came from just 12 accounts, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Many fellow anti-imperialists are rejoicing at what appears to be the collapse of this Western empire and its imminent replacement by a “multi-polar world order” based on the BRICS countries. However, they would do well to bear in mind that a world order is still a world order, whether or not it terms itself “multi-polar”.
It’s a scam competition. Whoever scams the best wins. How can you save the planet from destruction by human behavior when all of human behavior is driven by a bizarre scam competition?
Dr. Kheriaty’s response to a recent ‘analysis’ that frames Missouri v. Biden in entirely partisan terms, revealing an inadequate understanding of First Amendment guarantees.
Incorporate the reduction of pesticides in climate plans, introduce ambitious reduction targets, support farmers in using alternative methods to protect crops, and ban pesticides in urban areas.
America achieved its greatest-ever infrastructure campaign in the midst of the Great Depression. We can do that again today, and we can do it with the same machinery: off-budget financing through a government-owned national financial institution.
Under our current systems for profit generation, which is the primary driver of human behavior on this planet, making a quality product that lasts a long time instead of quickly going obsolete or turning into landfill will actually drive you into bankruptcy.