Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 1)

Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 1)

When Covid began winding down as the hysteria de jour and the latest moral vanity project, the Covid hysterics were primed to latch onto Ukraine for their next fix of moral self-aggrandising, all dolled up in flashy liberal outrage and derision for the new political virus of Putin.

How landlords became monsters

How landlords became monsters

Landlords — parasitic, indolent, unscrupulous landlords. In our oaths and curses, we reduce property owners to an existence of pure economic extractionism. Even landlords don’t want to be called landlords anymore.

Rule by Decree

Rule by Decree

Power-hungry and lawless, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security.

Woke is fascist

Woke is fascist

No other movement since fascism has been as adept as woke at creating a nexus for cultural, legal and political change to shore up a failing capitalism

How Close Are We To A Vaccine For Death?

How Close Are We To A Vaccine For Death?

A vaccine for Death. It sounds amazing, even fantastical – but we are a lot closer to this goal than you might think. As well as providing a new and innovative therapeutic option for a disease that has been notoriously difficult to treat, vaccination could unlock the door to that most elusive of objectives: prevention.

The New Inquisition of Scientism

The New Inquisition of Scientism

If scientism has become a religion and “fact checkers” (whether or not scientifically qualified) are the de facto keepers of all facts that science accepts as true, is anyone who has a different opinion than the fact checkers or even the United Nations, by definition a heretic?

The UN’s SDG16 Disinformation Campaign

The UN’s SDG16 Disinformation Campaign

In 2021, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) undertook a population poll, covering 50 nations, called the Peoples’ Climate Vote. From these results, MSM news outlets, such as the Guardian in the UK, announced that “the peoples’ voice is clear – they want action.”

Mission Creep: “Disease X”

Mission Creep: “Disease X”

According to CEPI’s list of priority diseases, Disease X, “represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease.”

How the Teachers Union Broke Public Education

How the Teachers Union Broke Public Education

Teachers union leaders claim that all their critics are simply “anti-union,” but it is union leaders’ responsibility to garner public support, and it is their own fault that they have lost it.

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