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Fauci switched the entire linguistic system of American science, from classical “speak,” to woke “speak.” He brought in Cancel Culture, essentially, before anybody could imagine what it was.
The criminal investigation undertaken by the federal government against hundreds of participants in the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol is polarizing the country and shredding civil liberties.
Unlike national laws, where elected officials vote on laws that apply to their country, this lawmaking process involves mostly unelected diplomats voting on the treaty.
For the violence to end, such efforts must be accompanied by broader changes. Otherwise, protecting a forest here only increases the pressure to liquidate a forest somewhere else.
Since unorthodox ideas about water have been always raised strong objections from the scientific community, numerous attempts have been made to debunk the concepts outlined in this article.
The implications of mass surveillance policies being promoted by WEF is an unconstitutional monitoring of dissent, with the intent of stamping it out.
Buried in the history of the Global Engagement Center is a kernel of misunderstanding that may have spawned a generation of false panics.
We can only resist them effectively if we allow ourselves to shed all dogma, engage in deeply honest and brave soul searching, connect to our ancestral wisdom and our spiritual core, and allow the spirit to guide us through this darkness and into the light.
To survive this assault on those seen to issue THEIR version of ‘scientific misinformation’, we must do what we can to be indifferent to their attacks. We must not waver from our positions, regardless of the weaponry thrown in our direction
The virus debate is part of a much bigger issue. At this time, when efforts to integrate numerous systems and “harvest” the human body in entirely new ways are accelerating we urgently need a paradigm that recognizes our body as both physical and electromagnetic.
The Vietnam war was an intentional genocidal war waged to torture, kill, and maim as many Vietnamese as possible and to use drafted (enslaved) American boys to do the killing and suffer the consequences.
Are we being misled to serve a different agenda that involves the acceptance of carbon taxation, enormously expensive behavior and industry modifications that necessitate more centralized authority so that we can “cooperate” in order to save the planet?