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by Unbekoming | Jun 9, 2024
It was Liam Scheff that smacked me hard, over the head, with his Electricity chapter from Official Stories.
I walked around in a daze for a few weeks coming to terms with the conclusions of that chapter and the discovery of The Electric Universe. I wrote about it here in Feb 2023. Electricity – Lies are Unbekoming (
There is an old joke in which a police officer comes upon a man anxiously looking for something of obvious importance under a streetlight. He asks the man what he’s searching for, to which the man hurriedly answers, “My keys,” and continues his desperate attempt to find them. The officer helps him look for a few minutes then stops to ask, “Where do you think you lost them?” The man replies, “In the bushes over there,” nodding to the hedge a few feet away. The officer asks, “Then why are you looking over here?” The man replies, “Because the light is better here.”
—Dr. Thomas Cowan
I think that one of the reasons why we are discovering that “everything is a lie”, is because electricity has been removed from all our models of understanding the world, our understanding of life and how it “works”.
That removal might have been inadvertent initially, maybe, (see Question 3) but the maintenance of that removal is not inadvertent. It is now a well-constructed ignorance designed to keep us away from reality (small r), and in Reality™ (capital R), in service of higher goals of Empire.
You cannot properly understand the universe, planets, plants, gravity, the sun, disease, lightning, acupuncture, Schumann Resonance, Vitamin C, homeopathy, oxidative stress, grounding, Big Bang, energy etc. etc. … without understanding electricity.
It’s all electrical. All of it.
I also don’t think you can properly understand vaccine injury without understanding electricity.
I keep being pointed to Arthur Firstenberg and The Invisible Rainbow.
Indeed, it’s a very important book.
It is part history, part science and part deep investigative journalism. It rightly deserves all its praise.
It is to Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF), what Dissolving Illusions is to Disease and Vaccination.
I have referred to the book previously here. Electricity & Disease – Lies are Unbekoming (
In this stack I’m creating one of my summaries to break it open for more people.
With thanks to Arthur Firstenberg.
ONCE UPON A TIME, the rainbow visible in the sky after a storm represented all the colors there were. Our earth was designed that way. We have a blanket of air above us that absorbs the higher ultraviolets, together with all of the X-rays and gamma rays from space. Most of the longer waves, that we use today for radio communication, were once absent as well. Or rather, they were there in infinitesimal amounts. They came to us from the sun and stars but with energies that were a trillion times weaker than the light that also came from the heavens. So weak were the cosmic radio waves that they would have been invisible, and so life never developed organs that could see them.
The even longer waves, the low-frequency pulsations given off by lightning, are also invisible. When lightning flashes, it momentarily fills the air with them, but they are almost gone in an instant; their echo, reverberating around the world, is roughly ten billion times weaker than the light from the sun. We never evolved organs to see this either.
But our bodies know that those colors are there. The energy of our cells whispering in the radio frequency range is infinitesimal but necessary for life. Every thought, every movement that we make surrounds us with low frequency pulsations, whispers that were first detected in 1875 and are also necessary for life. The electricity that we use today, the substance that we send through wires and broadcast through the air without a thought, was identified around 1700 as a property of life. Only later did scientists learn to extract it and make it move inanimate objects, ignoring—because they could not see—its effects on the living world. It surrounds us today, in all of its colors, at intensities that rival the light from the sun, but we still cannot see it because it was not present at life’s birth.
We live today with a number of devastating diseases that do not belong here, whose origin we do not know, whose presence we take for granted and no longer question. What it feels like to be without them is a state of vitality that we have completely forgotten.
“Anxiety disorder,” afflicting one-sixth of humanity, did not exist before the 1860s, when telegraph wires first encircled the earth. No hint of it appears in the medical literature before 1866.
Influenza, in its present form, was invented in 1889, along with alternating current. It is with us always, like a familiar guest—so familiar that we have forgotten that it wasn’t always so. Many of the doctors who were flooded with the disease in 1889 had never seen a case before.
Prior to the 1860s, diabetes was so rare that few doctors saw more than one or two cases during their lifetime. It, too, has changed its character: diabetics were once skeletally thin. Obese people never developed the disease.
Heart disease at that time was the twenty-fifth most common illness, behind accidental drowning. It was an illness of infants and old people. It was extraordinary for anyone else to have a diseased heart.
Cancer was also exceedingly rare. Even tobacco smoking, in non- electrified times, did not cause lung cancer.
These are the diseases of civilization, that we have also inflicted on our animal and plant neighbors, diseases that we live with because of a refusal to recognize the force that we have harnessed for what it is. The 60-cycle current in our house wiring, the ultrasonic frequencies in our computers, the radio waves in our televisions, the microwaves in our cell phones, these are only distortions of the invisible rainbow that runs through our veins and makes us alive. But we have forgotten.
It is time that we remember.
Arthur Firstenberg is a scientist and journalist who is at the forefront of a global movement to tear down the taboo surrounding this subject. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Cornell University with a degree in mathematics, he attended the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine from 1978 to 1982. Injury by X-ray overdose cut short his medical career. For the past thirty-eight years he has been a researcher, consultant, and lecturer on the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation, as well as a practitioner of several healing arts.
“The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg explores the idea that electricity, and the electromagnetic fields it generates, have a profound impact on the health of living organisms and the environment. The book argues that the increasing prevalence of electromagnetic pollution, from the earliest days of electrical technology to the modern wireless age, is responsible for a wide range of chronic diseases and environmental degradation.
The year 1889 marked a turning point in the global expansion of electrical technology. It was the year when the modern electrical era began, with the incorporation of major electric companies, the rapid growth of power generation and distribution, and the widespread installation of electric lighting. This sudden increase in electrification coincided with the 1889 influenza pandemic, which lasted four years and killed at least one million people worldwide, suggesting a possible link between the two events.
Luigi Galvani’s experiments with frog legs demonstrated that electricity could cause muscle contractions, leading him to propose the existence of “animal electricity.” Alessandro Volta, however, believed that the electric current came from the contact of dissimilar metals, not from the animal itself. Their debate represented a clash between two worldviews: Galvani sought explanations in biology, while Volta saw the frog as an extension of a non-living metallic circuit. Volta’s view prevailed, enabling the harnessing of electricity on an industrial scale without considering its effects on biology.
Early experiments in the 18th century showed that electricity could stimulate plant growth. For example, Abbé Nollet found that electrified mustard seeds grew faster than normal, and Jean Jallabert observed accelerated growth in electrified bulbs. In the 19th century, W. Ross and Selim Lemström demonstrated increased crop yields with the application of electric currents. Jagadis Chunder Bose further investigated the effects of electricity on plants, showing that they have a nervous system and respond to electrical stimuli.
Telegraph and telephone operators often suffered from a range of health issues, including fatigue, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, heart palpitations, and anxiety. These conditions were collectively known as “telegrapher’s cramp” or “telegraphic sickness.” Some operators even descended into insanity after years of work. Similar health problems were reported among telephone operators, with a significant proportion experiencing nervous fatigue and other symptoms related to their work.
Neurasthenia, meaning “weak nerves,” was a condition first described by George Miller Beard in 1869. He observed that it seemed to be a disease of modern civilization, characterized by fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other symptoms. Beard noted that neurasthenia spread along the routes of railroads and telegraph lines, affecting people from all walks of life. Although he did not directly connect the disease to electricity, its emergence coincided with the rapid electrification of society.
Rudolf Arndt observed that some of his patients with neurasthenia were highly sensitive to even the weakest electrical currents. He proposed in 1885 that electrosensitivity was a characteristic of high-grade neurasthenia and could contribute to the understanding of the disease. Other physicians, such as George Beard and Margaret Cleaves, also documented cases of patients with neurasthenia who were particularly sensitive to electricity.
In 1894, Sigmund Freud renamed neurasthenia “anxiety neurosis” and its crises “anxiety attacks.” By reclassifying the condition as a mental illness, Freud effectively ended the search for a physical cause and shifted the focus to psychological factors. This redefinition led to neurasthenia being largely forgotten in Western countries, with its symptoms attributed to anxiety and other mental health issues rather than environmental factors like electricity.
The global electrical circuit is the continuous flow of electricity between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere, driven by lightning and other atmospheric phenomena. Living organisms are part of this circuit, with their bodies acting as conductors between the negatively charged earth and the positively charged sky. Plants, particularly trees, play a crucial role in maintaining this circuit by drawing charge from the earth and releasing it into the atmosphere. Humans and animals also have their own internal electrical systems that are influenced by and connected to the global circuit.
The widespread use of alternating current power lines has led to the continuous leakage of harmonics into the earth’s magnetosphere, significantly altering the natural electromagnetic environment. The introduction of radio waves, particularly at low frequencies, has further disrupted the earth’s electrical system. These human-generated electromagnetic fields often overpower natural atmospheric signals, making it difficult for scientists to study natural phenomena and potentially affecting the health and behavior of living organisms.
Several influenza pandemics have coincided with significant advances in electrical technology. The 1889 pandemic began during the rapid expansion of electrical power and lighting systems. The 1918 Spanish flu emerged with the introduction of high-powered radio stations. The 1957 Asian flu coincided with the installation of powerful radar systems, and the 1968 Hong Kong flu followed the launch of satellites into the Van Allen radiation belts. While causation has not been proven, the correlation between these events suggests a possible link between electromagnetic disturbances and influenza outbreaks.
Porphyrins are molecules that play a crucial role in the energy metabolism of living organisms. They are the key components of chlorophyll in plants and heme in animals, enabling the utilization of oxygen for energy production. Porphyrins are also efficient energy transmitters, capable of transferring electrons in small steps without dissipating energy as heat. In the nervous system, porphyrins are found in the myelin sheaths surrounding nerve fibers, where they likely play a role in electrical conduction and the regulation of nerve function.
The presence of semiconducting porphyrins in myelin sheaths suggests that these structures are not merely insulation for nerves but rather active components of an electrical transmission system. This discovery, made by Robert O. Becker, challenges the conventional view of nerve function and indicates that myelin plays a crucial role in the conduction of electrical signals in the nervous system. It also raises the possibility that disruptions in the porphyrin pathway, either through genetic factors or environmental toxins, could lead to neurological disorders.
Albert Szent-Györgyi, in a lecture in 1941, argued that the prevailing model of biochemistry, which viewed molecules as discrete entities interacting through random collisions, was inadequate to explain the complexities of living systems. He proposed that quantum theory and solid-state physics, particularly the concepts of shared energy levels and electron mobility, were necessary to understand how biological molecules function. Szent-Györgyi suggested that proteins, rather than being “stupid” molecules, were actually sophisticated electronic devices capable of long-range communication and coordination.
Several lines of evidence support the semiconducting and liquid crystalline properties of biological molecules. Dried proteins, amino acids, and porphyrins have been shown to act as semiconductors in laboratory experiments. The discovery of piezoelectricity in many biological materials, such as cellulose, collagen, and DNA, demonstrates their ability to convert mechanical stress into electrical signals. The liquid crystalline nature of cell membranes and other biological structures has been observed using polarizing microscopy, and the electronic properties of these structures have been studied by researchers such as Mae-Wan Ho and Włodzimierz Sedlak.
The presence of heavy metals, such as zinc, in myelin sheaths can alter the electrical conductivity of these structures, making them more sensitive to electromagnetic fields. This is analogous to the doping of semiconductors in electronic devices, where the addition of small amounts of impurities changes the electrical properties of the material. Individuals with a genetic predisposition to porphyria may have higher levels of zinc in their myelin, making their nervous systems more reactive to electromagnetic disturbances. Exposure to toxic chemicals and electromagnetic fields can further disrupt the porphyrin pathway, leading to the accumulation of porphyrins and increased electrical sensitivity.
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic condition characterized by adverse reactions to low levels of environmental chemicals. Symptoms can affect multiple organ systems and vary in severity from mild to disabling. William E. Morton, in the early 1990s, proposed that MCS was often identical to porphyria, a genetic disorder of the heme synthesis pathway. He found that 90% of his MCS patients had deficiencies in one or more porphyrin enzymes, suggesting a shared underlying mechanism between the two conditions.
Toxic chemicals can directly inhibit the enzymes involved in the porphyrin pathway, leading to the accumulation of porphyrins and their precursors in the body. Electromagnetic fields, on the other hand, can disrupt the flow of electrons through the porphyrin-containing cytochromes in mitochondria, interfering with cellular energy production. When combined, these two factors can overwhelm the porphyrin pathway, causing a buildup of porphyrins in the nervous system. This accumulation can alter the electrical conductivity of myelin sheaths, leading to hypersensitivity to both chemical and electromagnetic stressors.
The finding that myelin-containing glial cells consume up to 90% of the brain’s oxygen supply challenges the conventional view that nerve cells are the primary consumers of energy in the brain. This discovery suggests that myelin is not merely an insulator but an active metabolic component of the nervous system. It also raises questions about the role of porphyrins, which are present in myelin and are known to be involved in oxygen metabolism. Disruptions in the porphyrin pathway, as seen in conditions like porphyria and multiple chemical sensitivity, may have profound effects on brain function by altering the oxygen consumption of glial cells.
Terzuolo and Bullock, in their experiments on crayfish nerves in 1956, showed that incredibly weak electric currents could significantly alter the firing rates of neurons. Currents as low as 36 billionths of an ampere could change the firing rate by 5-10%, while currents of 150 billionths of an ampere could double the firing rate or silence the nerve altogether. These findings demonstrate the exquisite sensitivity of the nervous system to electromagnetic influences, far below the levels commonly assumed to have biological effects.
Several lines of evidence point to the prevalence of zinc toxicity in modern populations. Studies have shown that excess zinc can accumulate in the brain and other tissues, leading to cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Patients with porphyria, a condition linked to zinc toxicity, often experience neurological symptoms that improve with zinc-lowering treatments. Environmental sources of zinc, such as dental fillings, automobile tires, and industrial pollution, may contribute to chronic low-level exposure. Blood tests for zinc may not accurately reflect tissue levels, leading to an underestimation of zinc toxicity and overdiagnosis of zinc deficiency.
Electromagnetic fields can disrupt the flow of electrons through the cytochrome electron transport chain in mitochondria, impairing the ability of cells to efficiently produce energy from oxygen. This interference may occur through direct effects on the porphyrin-containing cytochromes or by altering the speed of electron transfer. The resulting “slow asphyxiation” of cells can lead to a range of health problems, including neurological disorders, fatigue, and metabolic diseases. Over time, chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields may contribute to the development of serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
People with porphyria, who make up an estimated 5-10% of the population, have a heightened sensitivity to environmental stressors due to their genetic susceptibility. They often experience symptoms at lower levels of exposure than the general population and can serve as early warning signs of the harmful effects of toxins and electromagnetic fields. Just as canaries were once used in coal mines to alert miners to the presence of dangerous gases, individuals with porphyria can draw attention to the invisible hazards of our modern environment. By studying their experiences and health outcomes, we may gain valuable insights into the long-term consequences of environmental pollution and electromagnetic exposure.
Despite the long history of reports linking electrical exposure to health problems, the experiences of electrically sensitive individuals have often been dismissed or marginalized. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the medical profession largely ignored the connection between neurasthenia and the rapid electrification of society. More recently, individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity and electrical hypersensitivity have struggled to have their conditions recognized as legitimate medical disorders. The lack of a clear diagnostic test and the variability of symptoms have contributed to skepticism among medical professionals. Additionally, the economic and social importance of electrical technologies may create resistance to acknowledging their potential harms.
Several chronic diseases that have become increasingly common in modern times may be related to the cellular energy deficits caused by electromagnetic field exposure. These include:
Samuel Milham, an epidemiologist, studied the relationship between electrification and disease rates in the United States during the early 20th century. By comparing disease rates in rural areas with varying levels of electrification, Milham found that states with higher levels of electrification had significantly higher rates of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. This suggests that exposure to electromagnetic fields from electrical wiring and appliances may be a contributing factor to the development of these chronic diseases.
Bhutan, a small Himalayan kingdom, underwent rapid electrification in the early 21st century, going from near-zero to almost 100% electrification within a decade. During this period, the country experienced a sharp rise in the incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, despite no significant changes in diet or lifestyle. This rapid change in public health following the introduction of widespread electrical infrastructure supports the idea that electromagnetic fields can have a direct impact on human health.
Electromagnetic radiation has been shown to interfere with the function of mitochondria, the organelles responsible for cellular respiration and energy production. By disrupting the electron transport chain and reducing the efficiency of ATP synthesis, electromagnetic fields can lead to a decrease in cellular energy production. This, in turn, can contribute to the development of insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and obesity, all of which are risk factors for diabetes.
Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize-winning physiologist, discovered that cancer cells rely primarily on glycolysis for energy production, even in the presence of oxygen (the “Warburg effect”). Warburg proposed that this metabolic shift was due to a defect in the cellular respiration process, specifically in the function of mitochondria. Firstenberg suggests that exposure to electromagnetic fields, which has been shown to disrupt mitochondrial function, may be a key factor in the development of cancer by inducing the Warburg effect in cells.
The Freiburger Appeal, a document signed by over 3,000 German physicians in 2002, called for a moratorium on the deployment of mobile phone infrastructure due to concerns about the health effects of radio frequency radiation. The appeal specifically mentioned an increase in heart rhythm disorders and heart attacks among young people, which the signatories attributed to exposure to mobile phone radiation. This helped to raise public awareness about the potential link between wireless technology and cardiovascular health.
Allan Frey, a neuroscientist, conducted groundbreaking research in the 1960s on the effects of microwave radiation on the blood-brain barrier, a protective mechanism that regulates the passage of substances from the bloodstream into the brain. Frey demonstrated that exposure to low levels of microwave radiation could cause the blood-brain barrier to become permeable, allowing potentially harmful substances to enter the brain. This finding has important implications for understanding the neurological effects of wireless technology and the potential risks associated with long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Several studies cited in “The Invisible Rainbow” demonstrate that long-term exposure to radio frequency radiation can have both detrimental and paradoxical effects on the lifespan and health of various animal species. While some studies showed that exposure to radio frequency radiation could lead to increased mortality, tumor development, and reproductive issues, others found that irradiated animals actually lived longer than their unexposed counterparts. Firstenberg suggests that this apparent contradiction can be explained by the fact that electromagnetic fields can simultaneously cause cellular damage and slow down metabolic processes, leading to a longer but less healthy life.
Firstenberg presents evidence that the rise in diabetes rates throughout the 20th century is closely correlated with the increase in electromagnetic pollution. As the use of electrical devices and wireless technologies became more widespread, the incidence of diabetes also grew dramatically. The author argues that this is not merely a coincidence, but rather a direct result of the impact of electromagnetic fields on cellular metabolism and glucose homeostasis. By disrupting mitochondrial function and insulin signaling, electromagnetic pollution may be a significant contributing factor to the diabetes epidemic.
Vital statistics from the United States in the early 20th century show a clear correlation between the level of electrification and the rates of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. States with higher levels of electrification consistently had higher mortality rates from these chronic diseases compared to states with lower levels of electrification. This pattern was observed across multiple time points and suggests that exposure to electromagnetic fields from electrical infrastructure may be a significant risk factor for the development of these conditions.
Mitochondria play a crucial role in cellular energy production, and their dysfunction has been implicated in the development of various chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Electromagnetic fields have been shown to disrupt mitochondrial function by interfering with the electron transport chain and reducing the efficiency of ATP synthesis. This can lead to a decrease in cellular energy production, oxidative stress, and altered metabolic signaling, all of which contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic diseases. By targeting mitochondria, electromagnetic fields may be a key environmental factor driving the rise in chronic disease prevalence.
“Radio wave sickness” is a term used to describe a constellation of symptoms reported by individuals exposed to radio frequency radiation, particularly in occupational settings. These symptoms include headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular abnormalities, and impaired cognitive function. The concept of radio wave sickness helps to bridge the gap between the known biological effects of electromagnetic radiation and the clinical manifestations of exposure in humans. By recognizing radio wave sickness as a distinct entity, researchers and healthcare professionals can better understand and address the health impacts of electromagnetic pollution.
Several lines of evidence suggest that the global increase in cancer rates during the 20th century is linked to the expansion of electrical and radio technologies. First, epidemiological studies have shown that cancer rates are consistently higher in areas with greater levels of electrification and radio frequency exposure. Second, occupational studies have demonstrated an increased risk of cancer among workers exposed to electromagnetic fields, such as radio operators and electrical utility employees. Finally, laboratory studies have provided mechanistic evidence for the carcinogenic potential of electromagnetic radiation, including its ability to induce DNA damage, alter gene expression, and promote cell proliferation.
Research on calorie restriction has consistently shown that reducing caloric intake can extend lifespan in a variety of animal models. This effect is thought to be mediated, in part, by a reduction in metabolic rate and oxidative stress. Firstenberg argues that exposure to electromagnetic fields may have the opposite effect, increasing metabolic rate and oxidative stress, thereby contributing to premature aging. By disrupting the delicate balance of cellular energy production and redox homeostasis, electromagnetic pollution may accelerate the aging process and increase the risk of age-related diseases.
The studies on the effects of radio frequency radiation on birds highlight the far-reaching ecological consequences of electromagnetic pollution. Birds, which rely on the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation, have been shown to be particularly susceptible to the effects of radio frequency radiation. Studies have demonstrated that exposure to radio waves can disrupt birds’ navigation abilities, leading to disorientation and reduced migratory success. Additionally, radio frequency radiation has been linked to decreased reproductive success in birds, with exposed populations showing reduced fertility, embryonic development, and offspring survival. These findings underscore the need to consider the broader environmental impacts of electromagnetic pollution and its potential to disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems.
Recent studies have documented a dramatic decline in insect populations worldwide, with some regions experiencing up to a 75% reduction in insect biomass over the past few decades. While multiple factors, such as habitat loss and pesticide use, have been implicated in this decline, the role of electromagnetic radiation has also come under scrutiny. Insects, like birds, are known to be sensitive to electromagnetic fields, and exposure to radio frequency radiation has been shown to disrupt their behavior, reproduction, and survival. The correlation between the expansion of wireless technologies and the timing of the insect population collapse suggests that electromagnetic pollution may be a significant contributing factor to this ecological crisis.
The rise of digital technologies, such as cell phones and Wi-Fi, has led to an unprecedented increase in the levels of electromagnetic radiation in our environment. As exposure to these technologies has become ubiquitous, there has been a corresponding increase in the prevalence of electrical sensitivity among the population. Individuals with electrical sensitivity report a wide range of symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive impairment, which they attribute to exposure to electromagnetic fields. The correlation between the proliferation of digital technologies and the growing number of people experiencing electrical sensitivity suggests that these technologies may be a key driver of this emerging health condition.
“Colonial collapse disorder” (CCD) is a phenomenon characterized by the sudden and unexplained disappearance of honeybee colonies. While multiple factors, including pesticide exposure and parasitic infections, have been proposed as causes of CCD, the role of electromagnetic radiation has also been implicated. Studies have shown that exposure to radio frequency radiation can disrupt honeybee behavior, navigation, and communication, leading to colony disorientation and collapse. The concept of CCD in bees serves as a microcosm for the broader effects of electromagnetic radiation on ecosystems, highlighting the potential for this invisible pollutant to disrupt the intricate relationships and interactions that underpin the stability and resilience of natural systems.
Evidence from various sources suggests that the decline in forest health around the world may be linked to the increase in electromagnetic pollution. Studies have shown that exposure to radio frequency radiation can disrupt plant growth, development, and reproduction, leading to reduced plant vigor and increased susceptibility to disease and stress. Additionally, the correlation between the expansion of wireless technologies and the timing of forest declines in many regions suggests a potential causal relationship. For example, the sudden and widespread die-off of trees in certain areas has been observed to coincide with the installation of nearby cell phone towers or other sources of electromagnetic pollution. These findings highlight the need for further research into the effects of electromagnetic fields on plant health and the potential role of this pollutant in the global decline of forests.
The experiences of high-profile individuals like Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway and Director-General of the World Health Organization, and Olle Johansson, a leading researcher in the field of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, have played a significant role in shaping the public discourse on electrical sensitivity and the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. Brundtland’s personal struggle with electrical sensitivity and her advocacy for greater recognition of this condition have helped to raise awareness about the potential health impacts of electromagnetic pollution. Similarly, Johansson’s pioneering research and his outspoken support for individuals with electrical sensitivity have challenged the prevailing view that electromagnetic fields are harmless and have encouraged a more precautionary approach to the deployment of wireless technologies. Together, these individuals have helped to legitimize the experiences of those suffering from electrical sensitivity and have pushed for greater scientific and public scrutiny of the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.
Several key studies have demonstrated the effects of cell phone radiation on human health, particularly in terms of cancer risk and neurological disorders. The Interphone study, a multinational case-control study conducted in 13 countries, found an increased risk of glioma (a type of brain cancer) among heavy cell phone users. Similarly, the Hardell studies in Sweden have consistently shown an association between long-term cell phone use and the development of brain tumors, particularly on the side of the head where the phone is typically held. In terms of neurological disorders, studies have linked cell phone radiation to changes in brain activity, altered sleep patterns, and impaired cognitive function. For example, a study by Aalto University in Finland found that exposure to cell phone radiation caused changes in brain glucose metabolism, which is a marker of brain activity. These studies, along with many others, provide compelling evidence for the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation and underscore the need for a precautionary approach to the use of these devices.
The plans for the deployment of 5G networks and the increasing number of satellites in Earth’s orbit threaten to exacerbate the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation in several ways. First, the higher frequencies and greater bandwidth of 5G networks will require a much denser network of antennas and transmitters, leading to increased exposure to radio frequency radiation in urban and suburban areas. Second, the use of phased array antennas in 5G systems will result in more focused and directed beams of radiation, potentially increasing the intensity of exposure for individuals in the path of these beams. Third, the growing number of satellites in Earth’s orbit, particularly those used for global wireless internet access, will contribute to the overall increase in electromagnetic pollution, both on Earth and in space. The combined effect of these developments is likely to be a significant increase in the levels of electromagnetic radiation in our environment, with potentially far-reaching consequences for human health and the stability of ecosystems. As the deployment of these technologies proceeds, it is crucial that we carefully assess and mitigate the risks they pose to ensure a sustainable and healthy future for all.