
The Virus Psy-Op – Why It Exists and Where They’re Going With It

by Jason Christoff | Dec 31, 2024

There are general beliefs and then there are religious level beliefs. Religious level beliefs are beliefs that the average person doesn’t question. Religious level beliefs are themes, ideas or notions that are believed as concrete irrefutable fact…without inquiry, investigation or resistance.

Once you reach religious level programming with any belief system, you’ve actually programmed that person to stop thinking, in that one particular area. Once you can convince someone to stop thinking in one particular area, that non thinking program (or area of the brain) then becomes what’s called “neurologically facilitated“. When one pathway in the brain becomes facilitated, it means that this particular brain highway (or pattern) becomes easier to pave and expand in the future. In short, once you stop thinking in one area, it’s really easy to stop thinking in other areas too.

One of the biggest dreams of any mind control expert is to insert a program infection of “not thinking” into the public. A public who can’t think for themselves will only run various pre-planted religious level belief programs for their behaviors and beliefs, in the absence of the freedom to engage in any deep rational or logical analysis of their daily routines etc.

To reach this level of religious unquestioning programmed belief, the insertion of that belief into the societal fabric has to be cross generational. Forcing one generation to believe in one particular concept or idea, doesn’t usually graduate that belief to the level of irrefutable concrete fact. In order to gain this level of religious belief, you need to indoctrinate the public for many consecutive generations. The longer the indoctrination, the stronger the belief becomes. Only then will you produce what are known as unquestioning REPEATERS of the belief or in most cases today….REPEATERS of the lie.

One example of this level of belief is sending children to government school. Religious level beliefs are held and defended regardless of contradictory real-world evidence. The government run school system is documented (by its founders) to be designed to destroy the intellect, creativity, innate wisdom and independence of the children. Government schooling has also been studied by many independent researchers to do exactly the same… destroy the intelligence and creativity in the children.

On top of that, what does the real-world evidence tell us about our society’s blind faith belief in government schooling? If we look out in the real world, we see that children are less vital and more intellectually stunted than any time in recorded history. And yet, the belief continues as strong as ever. Kids today in government schools are learning absolutely nothing of value and even though the children are acquiring no survival skills whatsoever, to guarantee their long-term happiness, mental health or general life satisfaction…the average person will firmly state that “we just have to keep sending the kids to government schools.” Bingo, bango, bongo……..cue the societal collapse. Most folks have lost their ability to think, and that non-thinking infection has spread to other parts of their mind.

A person can only attain this religious level of belief when overwhelming evidence to the contrary is actively ignored or dismissed outright, without debate or review. Our belief in the viral theory of disease causation is also at this level of belief, despite the contradictory real-world evidence we observe every day.

The reason the human psyche works in this way is because the entire human nervous system is “safety” based. Every cell in our body is built upon a safety and survival platform. One major aspect of safety and survival for all animals (including humans) is predictability. The words “safe” and “predictable” register in the exact same way, within the human nervous system. Religious level belief systems act as an essential building block of predictability in the human psyche. Without religious level belief systems, built up and fortified over many generations, the human psyche can’t easily find any stability or peace to operate from.

This system of belief (in regards to fostering psychic stability and safety) has always kept us alive, for all of recorded history and beyond, until a dark group discovered how to manipulate this survival and safety platform… order to enslave us through what’s called DISASTER CAPITALISM. Disaster capitalism is just a for-profit business model that generates massive revenue (and profit) when we humans fail, when we’re sick and when we’re dependent on handouts from on high. Perpetual disaster is what drives our modern economy. Many of our falsely implanted religious level belief systems are what’s currently driving many of our individual and collective disasters. The false theory of viral disease causation is nothing more than disaster capitalism on steroids. If you want to live in peace and also to prosper, you will have to make UNFOUNDED religious level belief systems, your absolute enemy. But first you need the skill of recognizing them.

Never questioning our religious level belief systems has always led to disaster for any society. Once a society stops thinking in one area, that non thinking infection can easily spread to other parts of our neurology. Once this happens, the society’s collapse is a foregone conclusion.

The viral theory of disease causation falls with the loudest thud possible into this category of false and unfounded religious level belief, on every level imaginable. We have the masses believing this as fact, not because it stands up to even the most basic scrutiny, but because it’s been a cross generational psychological operation.

I’ll provide documentaries and essays further below, proving that the viral theory of disease causation is simply that, a theory. As a theory and basic hypothesis (attempting to explain disease causation), it can’t stand on its own two feet whatsoever. Saying that, this false theory serves the most strategic purpose to the ruling group, in regard to enslaving all of humankind. I’ll let the documentaries and essays below speak for themselves, regarding the falsities of virology. I’ll only speak to the virus psy-op, why it exists and where they’re going with it.

The ruling group I refer to has no problem lying to the public. This group also has no problem killing you and your children, in order to accomplish their end goals. Oddly enough, it appears killing us is actually their primary objective. As to why this is the case, I’ve speculated many times during my career, through my written works, interviews and podcasts. In the end, our historical writings are cloudy at best and yet one thing is an absolute certainty…….this group hiding behind government and big business are MURDER INC. That’s what you really need to pay attention to. Some videos about the dark ruling group (hiding behind government and big business), can be found by clicking here.

The truth of disease is extremely simple. What makes us sick is poison. The group I allude to poison us daily, in order to gain strategic advantage over us, for ease of rule purposes. Poison actually increases the effectiveness of the mind control, which they fire at us out of their inverted media and government channels daily. Placing us under mind control is their primary weapon. Poisoning us is their secondary weapon.

I’ve talked about this group’s mind control tactics while presenting at the EU Parliament, at the Romanian Palace of the Parliament, in the US Senate, at CPAC (in a breakout room) and in Japan, while speaking at the Japanese Parliament. As we drown under this tsunami of state sanctioned poison, we get sick. This dark group always needs a reason to explain away our ever-increasing disease burden, so they decided to invent the idea of “viruses” out of thin air. And yes, they invented this weaponized version over 150 years ago alongside Louis Pasteur…..even though many at the time understood that visible poison makes people sick, not invisible “bugs” that float in the air. Their plan was extremely simple. They had to make sure the public believed that it wasn’t their visible poisons making the public sick. The public had to believe that their growing disease burden, from the ruling group’s perpetual poisoning, was invisible viruses. It’s a business model, a disaster capitalism business model. But like a bad infomercial, wait….there’s more.

Every evil agenda this dark group has in store for us in the future, revolves around their false viral theory of disease causation. For travel and business lockdowns (that are designed to destroy the small business economy), you need the public believing in viruses. For the killing of farm animals (to starve the people), you need the public believing in viruses. For toxic vaccines (that are designed to kill and cripple), you need the public believing in viruses. For restricting the flow of all other commodities (to starve the people and to make sure they can’t make timely repairs to their aging assets) you need the public believing in viruses. In order to keep stealing every cent we make via taxation (to bankrupt the people through the false declarations of emergency measures legislation) you need the public believing in viruses. For declaring fake health emergencies (which remove our most basic human rights, so the police can crush us as we fight to stay alive) you need the public believing in viruses.

For illegal quarantines (to imprison the people and starve/kill them via that genocide model) you need the public believing in viruses. For the implementation of 15-minute city/concentration camps, which are said to keep us safe from fake viruses found out in nature, you need the public believing in viruses. In order to transfer all rule of law and governance away from elected officials and toward unelected “health officials” (to destroy any control the people may have over their own behaviors or beliefs) you need the public believing in viruses. If meat is banned, because all animal products are full of viruses, then you have a ready-made reason to remove all guns from the public. Once they have all the guns and you don’t, you’re going to the graveyard post haste, just like any other time in recorded history when this ancient group implemented their disaster capitalism business model.

Again, please pay attention to every ingenious reason they’ve created for killing you and your family, while blaming viruses that have never existed. They are pirates, literally. They want you gone, so your property is up for grabs. They just have to use psychological manipulation, so you don’t squirm too much as they murder you……because of viruses, which of course have never existed in the way they’re advertised to exist.

It’s all about the psychological chess moves required, so we all willingly agree with our own euthanasia. It’s all about what mental manipulations are required to make us all volunteer for our own premature deaths and the deaths of our own children. The fake viral theory of disease causation checks all their boxes, all their plans, all their goals and all their dreams……simultaneously. That’s why the theory was invented over one hundred years ago, and that’s why it’s pushed so hard in every corner of our society.

It also doesn’t matter if you believe in natural viruses (which aren’t proven to exist) or a lab leaked bioweapon gain of function virus (that doesn’t exist), both options are available and promoted heavily because those are your two options. You don’t get any other option or choice. Lab leak or natural, you get to decide. Door #1 (natural viruses) or door #2 (lab leak). As long as you talk about those two options, your social media channel will soar into the stratosphere. Just ask many mainstream “alternative” truth tellers and media channels. Keep the public on the virus train and watch the loot roll in. You can expose everything else you want, just not the fact that the viral of theory of disease causation has holes in it that are so large…….you could literally drive the Titanic through them.

For MURDER INC to execute your murder, while blaming viruses, you need to believe in viruses. You need to believe in viruses to make all of this work for the ruling group. As long as you believe there’s something invisible floating in the air that’s making you sick and as long as you believe that your sickness isn’t related to the steady supply of injected/ingested state sanctioned poisons (that they feed you daily through needles, air, water, food, WIFI, blue light etc)……….they’ve got you right where they want you. The theory of virus-based disease causation isn’t just a belief system, it’s your signed death warrant. If you believe in this faux concept, you’ll comply with your own state sanctioned euthanasia, because that’s why it exists.

If you want to know how they can make you believe in something that has never existed (even if you’re a medical doctor or scientist working with viruses) click here for part 1 and here for part 2 of a presentation, where I clearly explain how easy it is to use mind control….to make people believe absolutely anything. Click here to see a mind-controlled man forget that he stole his own shoe. Click here to see 3 mind-controlled people commit murder live on camera. Click here to see a mind-controlled man forget his own name. Click here to see mind-controlled people believe they’re from Mars.

Yes folks, it’s that easy and yes, people can be made to believe in viruses, even though they don’t exist. If you think mind control can make people commit murder, make a man forget his own name, make another man forget that he stole his own shoe and make other people believe that they’re from Mars…………but you don’t think mind control can make people believe in imaginary viruses, then big trouble is coming your way. What sort of big trouble? The big trouble that ends with your own voluntary euthanasia.

Here are some resources to get started with, in order to kick start our collective thinking process again. Once we all learn how to think logically once again (as a group), that infection can also spread to other parts of the collective hive mind. That’s what an awakening is. Awakening is when we all learn how to think again. You and your family are my top priority and always have been. For the love of God, stop letting this ancient evil group trick you to murder yourself, your family, your hopes, your dreams and your communities. That’s all I ask in return for my free education. Please stand up and speak up. Little time remains and this problem isn’t going to solve itself, without your active participation. Educate below……

Terrain – The Documentary – TERRAIN – Produced by Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Marcelina Cravat (Full Documentary)

The Viral Delusion Part 1 – The Viral Delusion – Episode 1 – The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2

A Farwell to Virology Part 1 – A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 1): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer

20 Things You Don’t Know About Polio – if you want to know some of the tricks that the ruling group uses to make you believe viruses exist (when they don’t) find out exactly how they tricked you into believing in a nonexistent polio virus.

The End of COVID – which is a small fee paid program, which takes a very deep dive into the false viral theory of disease causation.

ViroLIEgy  –

Exposing the lies of Germ Theory and virology using their own sources.

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