Character Assassination Theater 101

Character Assassination Theater 101

For those of you who aren’t Matt Taibbi, and so are probably not going to be invited onto The Mehdi Hasan Show, or any other TV show, to have your character assassinated, this lesson also applies to dealing with the trolls and smear-artists that you may occasionally encounter on the Internet, or in other aspects of your life.

The New Normal Left

The New Normal Left

The Left has aligned with GloboCap, which, after all, is still decoding all those nasty despotic values (i.e., racism, and other forms of bigotry), and is opposing dictators and religious zealots, and is spreading “democracy” all across the planet.

Will They Try to Make Us Pay for Breathable Air?

Will They Try to Make Us Pay for Breathable Air?

Scarcity of breathable air can work very nicely with smart masks that would also have an in-built air purification filter, monitor your air intake in the name of watching your breathing privilege, and of course, send your biometric data back to the mothership.

The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed

The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed

For any of these sweeping powers to be invoked, there would be no requirement for an “actual” health emergency in which people are suffering measurable harm; instead it would be sufficient for the DG, acting on his or her discretion, to have identified the mere “potential” for such an event.

The Great Lie And The Data That Shows It

The Great Lie And The Data That Shows It

We must stop ignoring the elephant. No more blaming pangolins, or bats, or lab leaks, or wild dogs. We must stop believing in fairy-tales because the TV news drummed up paranoia and showed pictures of people dying in local hospitals.

Missouri v. Biden – Court Denies Government’s Motion for Dismissal

Missouri v. Biden – Court Denies Government’s Motion for Dismissal

The Biden administration is facing an existential threat to the government-wide regime it set up to curtail purported misinformation about COVID-19, elections and Hunter Biden’s laptop, as a federal judge knocked down all but one challenge to a censorship lawsuit by Louisiana, Missouri and doctors.

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