Covid’s Third Birthday – A Retrospective Weekend

Covid’s Third Birthday – A Retrospective Weekend

We’re not talking about whether a specific virus exists, whether or not any viruses exist, or debating terrain vs germ theory. These are interesting and potentially valuable discussions, but not relevant to Covid, as there is no point in debating a cause for something that does not exist.

Secrecy and the NZ Government in the Year of Our Democide

Secrecy and the NZ Government in the Year of Our Democide

In February 2021 – year 1 A.D. (anno democidii) the Pfizer inoculation was rolled out, approved for use by Medsafe and touted by then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as ‘safe and effective’. Thus began Phase II of the juggernautical war against human autonomy and true health.

The Connection Between a Prestigious University and the CIA

The Connection Between a Prestigious University and the CIA

The cozy relationship between Georgetown and the CIA is not a new phenomenon. In 1980, a student magazine, The Georgetown Voice, published an article discussing what it called a “special relationship” and an “unholy alliance” between the university and the CIA.

The Origins of COVID-19

The Origins of COVID-19

Unfortunately, many health “freedom” leaders are claiming that this is the smoking gun for gain of function lab leaks. Although, they admit that there has been a huge amount of fraud going on during the scamdemic, why are they propagating virology’s pseudoscience?

On Missing Dr. Strangelove

On Missing Dr. Strangelove

Detailed studies of the Cuban missile crisis have revealed that Kennedy and his men were acting on information that was all too often inadequate or simply wrong. They thought themselves in a position to control events when they weren’t.

The Lords of Chaos

The Lords of Chaos

The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in the Middle East, and who seek a world dominated by U.S. power, must be held accountable for their crimes.

The Principled Conservatism of The Last of Us (HBO)

The Principled Conservatism of The Last of Us (HBO)

The Fireflies were stuck in the false choice of The Trolley Problem — kill one or kill many. They could not conceive of any other possibilities. Joel was saying no, there are principles and obligations that are higher than utilitarianism.

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