How to End Medical Blindness

How to End Medical Blindness

I invite any critical feedback that will better elucidate a model that explains medical blindness and likewise feedback, particularly from other health care providers, on my proposed solutions to medical blindness.

Shibboleths: Sage Hana Productions Glossary of Terms

Sage Hana Productions Glossary of Terms by Sage Hana | May18, 2022 Alrighty. This will be a living document. As new shibboleths emerge, they will be added to the glossary of terms and thus, de-shibbolethed. After all, it’s not a shibboleth if every *rando can roll in...

Is COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis mild and transient? Nope.

Is COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis mild and transient? Nope.

Imagine you blew up a balloon after putting small pieces of tape on the surface. Those spots where the tape are would not be able to stretch and that would put extra strain and pressure on the rubbery or contractile parts of the balloon surface. Eventually, the strain would be too much and the balloon would pop from additional pressure.

Systemic Corruption in the COVID-19 Response

Systemic Corruption in the COVID-19 Response

Very, very bad policies have been pushed forward, effective treatments that could end the pandemic have been kept off the market, and for some reason all paths have converged to an exceptional deadly and ineffective vaccine being forced upon the population. At this point in time, I am relatively certain most of this was deliberately planned out years in advance.

“The Squad” Doesn’t Exist Outside Of Social Media

“The Squad” Doesn’t Exist Outside Of Social Media

The US House of Representatives has voted 368-57 to spend $40 billion on a world-threatening proxy war while ordinary Americans struggle to feed themselves and their children. All 57 “no” votes were Republicans. Every member of the small faction of progressive House Democrats popularly known as “The Squad” voted yes.

Five reasons the FDA’s June Blitzkrieg Must Fail

Five reasons the FDA’s June Blitzkrieg Must Fail

The FDA is planning to try to rush this toxic junk through the regulatory process in June so that they can take a long summer vacation, retire in the fall, and be rewarded with lucrative VP jobs at pharmaceutical companies soon thereafter.

What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty

What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty

The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more.

The Politics of Medical Gaslighting

The Politics of Medical Gaslighting

One of the main things that made me realize something had fundamentally changed with the Democratic Party was that in nearly all cases, regardless of public outcry, these laws were unanimously supported by Democratic state legislators and only opposed by Republican state legislators.

After the Pandemic: Won’t Get Fooled Again

After the Pandemic: Won’t Get Fooled Again

No convincing evidence existed at the start of the pandemic that lockdowns, school closures, and mask mandates would protect people against the virus, but it was remarkably easy to make the public believe that these policies were “the science.”

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