
Why the US (s)election doesn’t matter a damn

by Catte Black | Oct 11, 2024

We’ve been asked why we don’t do more coverage of the US (s)election.

The answer is easy, and it goes like this.

1. There is no real choice and no real difference.

Of course there are superficial distinctions. But that’s just greasepaint.

Or maybe ‘carnival mask’ is a better analogy.

Or child catchers in borrowed gaudy

A guise anyhow. Their public images are applied personas with applied values intended to appeal to different demographics, create ready-made and meaningless binaries, and the illusion of debate, democracy in action – real choice.

Trump is the straight talking loudmouth “maverick” designed to appeal to libertarians, old fashioned conservatives and the Bible Belt – those who “want America back.”

RFK jr has been added to that deal to get some Covid skeptics on board, who otherwise might be thinking for themselves.

Harris is “woke” in all its self-contradicting, double-talking insanity. She’s awful, but the vision of Trump is so much worse that the half-crazed American “Left” embraces her clammy corpse with passion.

But, as anyone with half a brain and the courage to use it can clearly see, under those grotesque little masks, they’re just puppets of the same globalism – like pretty much every political figure, commentator, show business personality you can name.

Whatever rear end gets to park itself in that Oval Office chair the results will be the same.

Same as NOW. A mere continuation of the rollout, revealed in all its stark horror back in 2020.

The only slight difference may be in the media narratives employed to get us all there. Which bring us to…

2. Your votes don’t count

I mean, why would you think they do?

See, while all candidates are globalist puppets working for the same agenda, you still can’t be allowed to choose your preferred puppet, because the narrative-controllers have a preferred story they want to tell at any given time and a preferred puppet best suited to serving that story.

In 2020 that story was best served with some iteration of “Biden” in the White House.

Why? Why was a senile, clearly non-functional, creepy old man their chosen POTUS?

Well, good question and there’s a lot to speculate about on this. Perhaps it was part of an ongoing bid to discredit and undermine the office of the US President, prior to at some stage, removing it. Or maybe something else, or a combination of factors.

All we know for certain is this was the desired outcome – because the agenda-managers moved heaven and earth to make sure it came to pass.

You really have no excuse for avoiding this fact any longer. It was spelled out for you in 2020, when the election was openly rigged, right there before your eyes on mainstream TV.

The story had been written. Biden was going to end up in the WH – no matter how many people voted against him.

Again, not because Trump was or is some dangerous anti-establishment voice they need to silence. He blatantly is not any such thing. He’s a bought and paid for globalist who willingly shilled for the covid lie and will just as willingly shill for the rest of Agenda 2030, whatever empty promises he makes right now.

It’s just that the narrative managers had a chosen storyline for the next 4 years, and that storyline was best achieved with puppet Biden in the WH rather than puppet Trump.

So, which puppet has been chosen as the best agenda-purveyor in 2024?

Hard to say. It could go either way. Maybe even the producers of this drama haven’t quite made up their minds yet.

Does it matter, other than as a curiosity?

No. Not in the slightest.

It’s just about what faces you see on your TV for the next few years, what flavor of bullshittery they feed you as excuse/provocation.

The road may look a little different, but the destination is the same.

And that destination is what we need to be focusing on – if we are to have any chance of avoiding it.

The (s)election is just another entertainment package to distract you, engage and enrage you. Every oops moment, every gaff, every “shocking reveal”, every “leaked” blah blah, every “unscripted phone call”, every poignant moment, are all contrived in a writers’ room for your delectation.

Like an awful lot of everything else we call “news”.

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