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by Toby Rogers | June 21, 2022
I. The government is coming for your kids
Last week was shrouded in darkness. I woke up every day before dawn to turn on my computer to watch the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) and the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) assemble the pieces of their Final Solution.
The meetings were surreal as so-called “experts” displayed no critical thinking skills and instead wallowed in clichés supplied to them by the pharmaceutical industry.
When the meetings adjourned for the day I wandered about the house trying to make sense of what I had just witnessed, checked in with friends who were also watching the horror unfold, and pounded supplements to try to support my faulty mitochondria. Then it would be night again and the cycle would repeat.
Over the course of five meetings in five days I witnessed crimes against humanity, the end of the bourgeoisie, and the likely end of America.
As readers of my Substack already know, the data heading into the meetings was incredibly weak (see my review of the Moderna risk benefit document and the Pfizer risk benefit document).
Let’s talk about what actually happened at the meetings, the short and long-term implications of the decisions that were made, and where we go from here.
II. The meetings themselves
The clinical trials of Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shots in kids all had the same flaws — enabled and encouraged by the permissive FDA. Moderna and Pfizer each:
1. Failed to demonstrate actual health benefits (so they relied on junk science “immunobridging” even though there are no valid correlates of protection);
2. Wiped out the control group, so there is no long term safety data; and
3. Caused catastrophic adverse events.
Contrary to their statutory obligations, the FDA/VRBPAC and CDC/ACIP do not act as regulators. Instead they see themselves as partners with Pharma. Indeed FDA and CDC officials often slip and say “we” when referring to the applicant — it’s all one big happy crime family.
At the meetings, the FDA and CDC went to great lengths to exaggerate the risks of Covid in children. As you know, there is no Covid-19 emergency in kids (see studies here, here, here, and here). But Emergency Use Authorization requires a public health emergency so the FDA and CDC manufacture one.
Many presentations at the meetings last week cited the same British pre-print study that claims that Covid-19 was the 4th or 5th leading cause of death in children in the U.S. This is false.
Kelley Krohnert from Covid Georgia dismantles the pre-print (here).
This slide and the claims that Covid is a top 5 cause of death in young children are false. There are major data issues with this slide put out by @CDCgov for FDA VRBPAC and ACIP for their childhood vaccine approval discussions.
The British academics who wrote the paper make two obvious errors. First they count deaths “with Covid” (tested after they got to the hospital for some other reason or underlying condition) as “from Covid.” If you remove the “with Covid” from the tally, the numbers shrink by about 35%.
The second major error in the pre-print is that the authors “compare the cumulative number of Covid deaths over 26 months to deaths from other causes over a one year period.” Whoops. So the FDA and CDC made their case by double-counting Covid-19 deaths in children.
Once these errors are corrected, Covid-19 drops down to the 8th or 9th leading cause of death. But as Ms. Krohnert explains:
Even given the corrected rankings above, there are also issues with the entire concept of showing the impact of Covid deaths in children using rankings. Rankings overstate the impact of Covid, because the top few causes of death far outweigh the causes further down the list. For example, in ages 1-4, accidents account for almost 25 times as many deaths as Covid-19 on an annualized basis. Furthermore, for each of the 4 age groups covered by the CDC slide, the very broad “accidents” is the leading cause of death. If we break that down further, causes of death like drownings, vehicle crashes, drug overdoses, would be individual causes of death greater than Covid in various age groups.
For those who want to argue, “if-it-even-prevents-one-death(TM)” I would just point out that Covid-19 is NOT a vaccine-preventable-disease given that these shots do not stop infection, transmission, hospitalization, nor death. And given adverse events, Covid-19 shots will cause a net increase in deaths not a decrease.
If one really cares about the health of children, mandate fences around swimming pools, not experimental gene-modifying injections for the entire childhood population.
Ms. Krohnert contacted the authors of the paper to alert them to these errors and now they are revising the paper (a new draft is due next week). Of course, the FDA and CDC never admit that they were wrong because they don’t actually care about data.
At these meetings it is standard practice for FDA and CDC to lie about the benefits of these shots. Indeed the FDA went to great lengths to downplay the risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis in the briefing documents for Moderna and Pfizer. In preparing these documents the FDA relies on fixers — Matt Oster, Tom Shimabukuro, and John Su at CDC and Nicola Klein at Kaiser Permanente — to manipulate the data to fit the Pharma narrative.
However, one of the unusual things about the VRBPAC meeting on Tuesday is that Ruth Link-Gelles from CDC just straight up admitted that these shots have negative efficacy.
Then Tom Shimabukuro (citing his own slides and those from John Su and Nicola Klein) just straight up admitted that these shots cause myocarditis:
So I’m watching at home thinking… ‘no observed health benefits (that’s why they had to switch to immunobriding) and they are admitting that the shots have negative efficacy and cause myocarditis, therefore the risks outweigh the benefits. So how are they going to try to get out of this?’
And their argument is (supplied by Jacqueline Miller, Senior VP at Moderna) that the risk of myocarditis from Covid is greater than the risk of myocarditis from these shots. One of the obvious problems with that argument is that THESE SHOTS DO NOT PREVENT COVID. So the FDA is accepting a known risk from these shots in return for an imagined benefit that does not exist in the real world.
The VRBPAC and ACIP do not care about the facts at all. As George Lakoff famously observed, “facts bounce off of frames” and the frame that guides these public health zombies is, “vaccines are infallible.”
Adverse events. Others have done a better job than me of flagging adverse events in these clinical trials. Quant genius Jessica Rose wrote an excellent article about the harms in the Pfizer clinical trial and the Moderna clinical trial.
One of my colleagues on Facebook directed me to pages 169 to 171 of the FDA briefing document for Moderna that showed 18 serious adverse events in the vaccine group as compared with only 1 in the placebo group in kids 6 through 23 months of age.
Furthermore, no one at the FDA/VRBPAC nor CDC/ACIP can explain why VAERS reports skyrocketed following the introduction of Covid-19 shots at the end of 2020 and why reports of vaccine injury in kids skyrocketed following the authorization of the Pfizer mRNA shot in kids last fall. Indeed FDA honcho Peter Marks had a meltdown at the end of the VRBPAC meeting on Wednesday because VAERS was trending on Twitter (apparently the public was not impressed with the VRBPAC’s self-serving nonsense).
Further observations:
At these meetings there is no critical thinking, no hard questions, and no debate.
There’s no science at all at these meetings, just a theatrical performance of science-y sounding things.
Quite literally, these so-called experts apologized to Moderna for asking them questions.
No one asks about adverse events.
There’s no discussion of antibody dependent enhancement, prion disease, or any of the other nightmare possibilities that seem to be emerging.
No VRBPAC member ever uses the phrase “negative efficacy” — even though the Pfizer application in kids showed negative efficacy between dose 1 and dose 2 and negative efficacy against the Omicron variant.
Antibodies are accepted as a valid measure even though everyone knows that there are no correlates of protection.
No one questioned the fact that FDA and CDC spent a year minimizing the risks of myocarditis and still could not get the safety signal to go away entirely.
No one questioned the fact that the international scientific consensus is that mRNA shots cause myocarditis in young people and that the U.S. is the only country in the world to push these shots on little kids.
The VRBPAC and ACIP members live in an alternative universe where sacrificing children is always acceptable to serve “The Greater Good(TM).”
VRBPAC and ACIP meetings are a horror movie come to life.
While these shots showed no benefit and catastrophic harms… the VRBPAC members wanted MORE, MORE, MORE!
Paul Offit led the charge on Tuesday by arguing that Moderna’s toxic shot should be a THREE dose series instead of the two doses that Moderna was applying for. Because VRBPAC members are selected for ideological conformity and groupthink, several other members piled on and echoed Offit’s call for MORE Moderna doses in kids.
On Wednesday, Offit again led the charge by arguing that Pfizer was “underdosed” (his word) at 3 mcg of mRNA in little kids and that they should have put MORE mRNA in there to produce a larger antibody response — adverse events in children be damned.
At this point, the bloodlust of these committees is unquenchable.
In the end, there was no need to even hold the meetings because the decisions were already made before they started.
On Tuesday, VRBPAC voted 21 to 1 to authorize the Moderna EUA application to inject mRNA into kids 6 to 17 years old. (There was 1 abstention — from the new guy, Bruce Gellin.)
On Wednesday, VRBPAC voted 21 to 0 to authorize the EUA applications to inject Moderna into kids 6 months to 5 years old and Pfizer into little kids 6 months to 4 years old.
On Saturday the CDC let it slip that Covid-19 shots in kids will be 10-dose vials. 10-dose vials are terrible because administration errors go up and because it’s impossible to guarantee consistency across doses (unless perfectly shaken before each dose, the ingredients may not be evenly distributed across the 10 doses). The federal government has paid billion of dollars to these companies up front for these shots. The fact that they did not require single dose vials shows that they do not know what they are doing and they have absolutely no concern for your health.
At the end of the meeting Saturday ACIP voted 12 to 0 to authorize the applications to inject Moderna and Pfizer into little kids.
Rochelle Walensky signed off on the Final Solution on Saturday night.
The federal government’s massacre of the innocents began Monday June 19, 2022.
III. The short and long-term implications of these decisions
The VRBPAC and ACIP believe that they achieved some sort of great victory. They got nostalgic at the end of the meeting as they looked back over the Final Solution that they had constructed over the last year. I imagine Reinhard Heydrich and the other participants in the Wannsee Conference in 1942 felt the same way.
The reality is quite different. The FDA and CDC have guaranteed their own collapse.
Here’s how the next few years are likely to play out:
About one-third to half of the Democratic Party (including the overwhelming majority of the public health establishment) are afflicted with hypochondria, Stockholm Syndrome, and/or Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. They are going to take their kids to be injected right away at any nearby CVS, Walgreens, or out of the back of a windowless van down by the river. They don’t care — “needles into arms (and legs)” is the only thing that Democrats believe in now. They’re junkies who get high from deadly virtue signaling.
Those poor kids are going to develop a wide range of adverse events — myocarditis, heart attacks, strokes, autoimmune disorders, cancer, endocrine disorders, infertility, and sudden “unexplained” death, to name a few. The over-boosted adults will suffer a similar fate. The bourgeoisie will lose their health, their dignity, and then all of their wealth to the Pharma cartel.
Over time, about half of injured families will come over to our side and become single issue medical freedom voters. That will give us the numbers we need to take power and prosecute the evil doers. All of the demographic advantages that Democrats thought would carry them to permanent majorities will evaporate.
Republicans, who understand vaccine injury better than Democrats at this point, will win the November midterm elections, the 2024 Presidential election, and the majority of local, state, and federal elections for the foreseeable future. Republicans will control all of the appropriations committees and oversight committees that have purview over HHS, FDA, CDC, and NIH. Fauci, Walensky, Califf, and Marks will all quickly retire to avoid being called to testify.
The meritocratic bourgeoisie system that has guided the U.S. for two centuries has already collapsed. It turns out that meritocracy was always a lie. Many of the most esteemed bourgeois institutions in the country were represented at the meetings last week — Stanford, Harvard, NEJM, and the Rockefeller Foundation — and they have no credibility now. When the fate of our nation was on the line they revealed themselves to be fascist clowns whose ideology renders them less smart than the average homeschooled fifth grader. The trust that was the lifeblood of our system is no more.
By failing to listen to the majority of the country that is deeply skeptical of these shots, the FDA and CDC deepened the polarization and made reconciliation nearly impossible.
These decisions will make no difference on the pandemic. If anything these authorizations of more shots for kids mean that the pandemic will continue for years — because the shots do not work and they fuel the evolution of variants that evade vaccines.
One might think that these decisions will lead to civil war or partition of the country into separate independent red and blue countries. But I don’t think that will happen. At this point there is no need for red states like Texas and Florida to split off to form their own countries because Republicans are about to control EVERYTHING — Congress, the Presidency, and the Courts.
IV. Where do we go from here?
I know we’re all traumatized right now but we need to keep our head in the game. We need to become the leaders who will take over as things begin to fall apart.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is still going to vote on Thursday June 23, on Moderna’s EUA application to inject mRNA into kids 6 to 17. You can still register a formal comment (here) — look for the blue comment button in the upper left hand corner or upload your own file. I also have a Substack article with email addresses for all of the key CDC staffers and ACIP members so that you can write to them directly.
Then, eight days from now the FDA is going to vote on the “Future Framework”. It’s a proposal to exempt Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers from clinical trials for reformulated shots. It’s literally the worst idea in the history of public health. I have a Substack article that explains this heinous proposal in detail — with a call to action at the end that I am asking everyone to do:
Long term I think we need to shift our strategy from lobbying others to taking power ourselves. Right now it seems the Republican Party is the best vehicle for accomplishing this goal. But honestly at this point, how many national Republican leaders (10? 20?) actually understand the enormity of the catastrophe that has been inflicted upon us over these past two years?
We need to make the point every chance that we get that the November midterm election is not about inflation, guns, abortion, drag shows, nor Ukraine. The 2022 midterm election is about stopping the Pharma genocide. I will only vote for politicians who publicly speak out against all of the following ongoing atrocities:
• Tony Fauci funded the creation of a gain-of-function virus that got loose and killed 6 million+ people.
• The medical establishment blocks access to safe and effective treatments in order to create the market for vaccines.
• Hospitals used and continue to use the wrong protocols because all of their financial incentives are not aligned with health.
• Poorly tested genetic experiments were injected into BILLIONS of people worldwide causing an increase in all-cause mortality and a wide range of horrific adverse events that are going to wreck human health and the economy for DECADES.
• Social media companies censor life saving information to protect the cartel while enriching themselves; the entire mainstream media is complicit in covering up the genocide.
• Schools and universities are incapable of conducting even basic risk benefit assessments and instead sacrifice the students in their care to the predatory pharmaceutical industry.
• The FDA and CDC sold the American people to the pharmaceutical industry in return for 30 pieces of silver.
THAT’S what needs to be addressed, unraveled, and prosecuted. Everything else is secondary.