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| Apr 10, 2023Those of us in this movement sometimes forget that for most people, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a meeting in Davos where the rich and famous like to hang out once a year. They have no idea of what the WEF truly is about and what it has accomplished over the course of the last 50 years. Even those of us who follow the WEF can forget what their true mission is, and how deeply they are involved in crafting the new world order, ergo: The Great Reset.
The is truth is that transnationalist companies want control of world governance. The Great Reset is a planned attempt to redistribute all the world’s wealth and power into the hands of corporations, billionaires, banks and and most of all, the World Economic Forum’ leadership. The “Great Reset” plans to use the fourth industrial revolution to further their own ambitious plans of world dominance.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is a term used to refer to the next generation of technological advances; where it is anticipated that the differences between physical, digital and biological technologies disappear. This is a world where machines and computers evolve independently, where new biological entities and evolutionary changes are being controlled by artificial intelligence, where brain waves can be manipulated. It is, quite literally, a brave new world.
It is a world where transhumanism has become a reality. The boundaries between man and machine are blurred. This is the world of nightmares, of a dystopian future of overloads and underlings; of the “technologically augmented” and the “normies.” Of physicals, virtuals, machines, and overlords.
What truly sets Industry 4.0 technologies apart is the novel way in which hardware, software and connectivity are being reconfigured and integrated to achieve ever-more ambitious goals, the collection and analysis of vast amounts of data, the seamless interaction between smart machines, and the blurring of the physical and virtual dimensions of production (Industry Analytics Platform).
To get an idea of how the WEF is using industry 4.0 now, take the example of smart cities. The WEF is using of the threat of “climate change “to drive the development and State/business endorsement of smart cities. These are proposed to be run by the World Economic Forum, who is leading the G-20 to build a “Smart Cities Alliance on Technology Governance.”
The ability to track and control all peoples in a city, to control crime, carbon credits, food, transport, etc. is a future most do not wish to partake in. This is a future which forms the basis of the near term dystopian Spielberg film “Minority Report”. Yet, what choice do us underlings have? Who gets to decide what is right and wrong when the infrastructure is being developed globally and implemented regionally with little or no transparency? Is this just another case of “those with the Gold make the rules”?
Who are the globalist members of the trade organization known as The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the operatives that they have trained, why should you care, and what can you do about it?
Andrew Marshall developed a brief introductory summary which I strongly recommend reading, published in a 2015 article entitled “World Economic Forum: a history and analysis”.
The membership of the WEF is divided into three general categories:
The current 100 WEF full members (“Strategic Partners”) are basically drawn from the largest corporations in the world, together with their owners and managers, who are often referred to as “Davos Man”. The list of “strategic partners” reads like a list of the 100 most woke companies and organizations, which include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Welcome Trust, Blackrock, Bain, Microsoft, Google – it goes on and on. A full list of current Strategic Partners can be found here.
Some of the recent activities of the WEF.
The WEF made up of the largest transnational organizations in the world. This is their lobbying organization. They have basically built a political juggernaut based on advancing corporatist “public-private partnerships” with US, WHO, EU, the five eyes nations (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA), China/CCP as well as any other countries that will join in their cause (notably Russia has decided to WEFexit- leave the WEF). The political science term “Fascism” has been so weaponized, abused and overused that it has lost much of its utility to describe a category of political systems, but a strong case can be made that this form of corporatism is synonymous with the original intent of the term “Fascism”.
The WEF business model has been to enable its member corporations to create disruptive technologies that will drive markets and increase profits.
This is not about ESG, smart cities, climate change or even human rights. The WEF is about gaining governmental control via corporatism. The WEF is a trade-organization of the largest transnational organizations in the world. Never forget that fact as you read their endless stream of feel-good press releases from the various WEF outlets and acolytes.
The United Nations has played right into their hands. The strategic partnership between the two organizations has led to the control of world wide regulatory processes for new technologies and for global governance. The WEF paints their injection into global politics with pretty words, but the truth is – the WEF is about profit. Control politicians, control governments, control the new world order and increase the profits and control of vital industries. The WEF is a monopolists dream organization, and a quick review of the Strategic Partners list reveals many of the most successful corporate monopolists in recorded history.
The Great Reset and Agenda 2030 are two sides of the same coin. The WEF and the UN are now both strategically and tactically one organization. Their agendas are intertwined. The “G 20” is a creation of the WEF.
The WEF regional organizations and members do not act alone, but have developed various groups of globally distributed trainees and graduates, who generally act in accordance with the detailed policies and positions developed and distributed by WEF leadership. The training programs have been operating for over three decades, resulting in placement, distribution and rapid advancement of many thousands of WEF-trained operatives throughout the world.
WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has famously claimed that these operatives have been strategically inserted into key positions in various governments, as well influential positions in important industries such as media, finance, and technology.
The World Economic Forum even has a formal committee of university presidents. Who come together regularly to discus and decide policy at the top universities in the world. These presidents are committed to supporting the World Economic Forum, whose main agenda is “stakeholder capitalism” – another word for corporatism.
Corporatism is a broad concept. It can run the gamut from the hyper-authoritarian version embraced by Mussolini’s Italy to worker-boss structures of the type described by Schwab in postwar western Europe. All forms of corporatism, however, share some common themes.
One is the necessity of limiting market competition in order to preserve social cohesion. Another is mandating cooperation between representative groups of different social and economic sectors – a process overseen and, if necessary, enforced by government officials for the sake of the common good.
What, you might ask, could be wrong with this? The answer is: plenty.
For a start, corporatism – including its Schwabian expression – isn’t big on freedom. It’s all about forming and then maintaining a consensus on economic and social policies. For this reason, corporatism doesn’t cope well with dissent. Indeed, it discourages any questioning of the consensus, whether the issue is tax-rates or climate change.
The language of corporatism, like that of Schwab’s WEF, may be one of coordinated consultation, but the agenda is one of control. For what matters is the harmonisation of views, no matter how absurd the idea and or how high the cost in liberty.
Not only does this generate groupthink. It encourages the marginalisation of those who dispute the consensus. If you have reservations about, say, open borders, don’t be surprised if you are branded a xenophobe. If you decline to have your workforce unionised, you’re likely be labelled a market fundamentalist who treats his employees as mere objects.
Another problem is the collusion and cronyism fostered by corporatism. Corporatist structures facilitate client-patron relations between businesses and governments. That in turn produces insiders and outsiders.
Insiders are those companies who sign up to the consensus, play the corporatist game, and consequently do very well out of their cosy relationships with governments. Outsiders are those who lack the resources to grease the wheel. An example might be the young entrepreneur with a great idea that might revolutionise an entire economic sector but who doesn’t enjoy the political connections. Long-established companies rarely hesitate to use their connections to try and establish regulatory environments, which makes it hard for such entrepreneurs to compete in the marketplace.
Lastly, corporatist-style stakeholder capitalism is decidedly ambivalent about democracy. The emphasis is upon insiders negotiating with each other, and then presenting the populace with a series of faits accomplis about anything ranging from fossil fuels to ESG.
Who are the Young Global Leaders – trained and tasked with carrying out the “Great Reset”?
The Malone Institute, together with the Pharos Media group assembled a complete list of graduates from the 3-5 year program – this list goes back to the founding of the Young Global Leaders program, which is at least 40 years old.
The YGL graduate list has now been updated to include the most recent (2022) list of graduates.
The list of US politicians who are graduates can also be found on the link below:
The Young Global Leaders have been trained to believe in and support a globalist form of unelected government, in which international business is at the center of the management and decision-making process. They have been trained to advance the interests of a global transnational government which represents a public-private partnership in which the business interests of the WEF members take precedence over the constitution of the United States. The WEF believes that the concept of independent nation states is obsolete and must be replaced with a global government which controls all.
They are fundamentally anti-democratic, and their views are both fundamentally corporatist and globalist, which is another way of saying that they are for totalitarian Fascism – the fusion of the interests of business with the power of the state- on a global scale. These graduates may not represent the interests of the nation-state in which they reside, work, and may hold political office, but rather their allegiance appears to be to the WEF vision of a dominant world government which has dominion over nations and their constitutions.
In my opinion, in the case of those trainees and WEF members who are in politics in the USA, and particularly those who have been used to “penetrate the global cabinets of countries” should be forced to register as foreign agents within their host countries.
“ What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders. (YGL)”
The WEF has helped mastermind the globally harmonized planning, development and implementation of the lockdowns, mandates, authoritarian vaccine campaigns, suppression of early treatment options, global targeting of dissenting physicians, censorship, propaganda, information and thought control programs which we have all experienced since late 2019.
For instance The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise built the public/private partnerships that allowed lockdowns, travel restrictions, censorship, vaccine passports, etc. to easily become the norm. These plans have not changed, in fact more recent “war games” suggest an even heavier handed response to the “next” public health crisis.
After all you have seen and experienced since Winter 2020, please ask yourself these two questions:
“Is this an organization that I can trust with my future and that of my children?”
“Do they represent my interests, values, and what I believe in?”
If you decide that you cannot trust them, or that they do not share your interests and values, then it is time to act.
Some Suggestions:
I ask you, my subscribers – what other things do you do, what can we do, to prepare and exist as free people in a world increasingly dominated by globalist totalitarianism? How do we help save this country from falling under the control of the UN and the WEF? How do we, as a nation survive this onslaught?