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by Mike Stone | Dec 9, 2022
“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat–diseased tissues–rather than causing disease.” -Rudolf Virchow, father of the modern pathology
When I initially began to question the fraud of virology, a big influence on my ability to push away the germ theory indoctrination that I had been subjected to for the majority of my life was learning that there was in fact an alternate theory for how disease manifests. This theory is known as the terrain theory of disease. It was developed as an explanation for how one aquires a state of dis-ease initially by French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813–1878) and was expanded upon greatly by French scientist Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). This theory was in direct contrast to the germ theory of disease as proposed by French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) as it stated that disease was not caused by invading pathogens from outside of the body. Instead, the dis-ease process began from within due to the status of the internal environment of the body. If there occurs an imbalance within the internal environment and the body becomes too toxic, which could be brought about by a combination of many factors such as what we eat, drink, think, feel, etc., this would materialize in symptoms of dis-ease as the body intitiates a detoxification process in an attempt to restore balance.
I do not remember how I initially came across this theory early on in my journey but I knew that it resonated with me greatly. While one does not need an alternative theory in order to critique the prevalent one, terrain theory provided me with a strong foundation to help myself and others to compare and contrast the differences in the ideologies of dis-ease. Terrain theory incorporates common sense and logic in order to explain that it is what we ultimately do to our own bodies that results in the initiation of a cleansing process; one that has been mistaken as being detrimental and in need of being shut down. Attempting to stop this process through pharmaceutical interventions and vaccinations may reduce and/or halt the symptoms, but doing so halts the healing process as well which will lead to further disease in the future. Terrain theory promotes a personal responsibility and ownership in ones health. If we take care of our body by addressing the various factors which can influence and affect the balance of the internal environment, we will be granted a high state of health.
Germ theory, on the other hand, pushes an illogical scenario which views us as helpless victims of invisible invaders floating around, looking for the most opportune moment to strike. In order to subscribe to this theory, one must accept that the invisible entities actually exist and that they can be spread from person-to-person despite the absence of clear direct scientific evidence proving either scenario. One is ultimately powerless to aquire health unless they partake in various medications, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, etc. that are claimed to do what the body can not. Germ theory takes away personal responsibility and ownership of one’s health and ultimately places it within the hands of the medical establishment selling the ‘magic pill” as the cure. Germ theory looks to create a life-long customer of disease rather than provide a foundation to make changes in the toxic habits which led to the dis-eased state in the first place.
Presented below are highlights from two sources which were a big influence on me by helping with my understanding of the differences between terrain theory and germ theory as well as the men behind them. As these authors did a brilliant job and can explain this far better than I ever could, I am sharing the pertinent infornation from them that really stood out to me upon my initial reading. However, I highly recommend a full pouring over of both articles in their entirety in order to get a more complete picture.
As there are many factors working together which can lead to dis-ease, I am also putting a spotlight on what I consider to be some of the main factors that need to be addressed in order to establish and ultimately maintain a healthy terrain. I have provided an overview of why these areas are important as well as how I personally adapted each one to make improvements to my overall health. While this is a huge topic that requires much more than one article to do it any sort of justice, hopefully you will be able to find some value from the information presented below in order to either keep or restore yourself to health.
“If the ‘germ theory of disease’ were correct, there’d be no one living to believe it.”
-B.J. Palmer, father of chiropracty
This first source was highly influential on me. It is an article that I stumbled upon early in my journey into the fraud of germ theory. This article provided an excellent overview of the differences between terrain and germ theory. The author goes into detail on the work of Antoine Bechamp but also that of Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971), an American inventor who created a powerful microscope with greater capabilities than the electron microscope which he claimed to be able to cure symptoms of cancer with based on the waves of light produced. The article explains the evidence that these men gathered and used to back up the terrain theory. It discusses the important concept of pleomorphism, a process that was observed by Bechamp and Rife where entities known as microzyma, a living element that the men stated was within all beings, changed shape and function to evolve into bacteria, yeast, fungus, or mold based upon the environmental conditions. The microzyma respond to the conditions within the body in order to evolve into whatever microrganism is needed at that moment in time to restore balance within the terrain. The author pondered what could have been had these men not had their work silenced and their reputations tarnished by a corrupt medical establishment. It is a rather long article and I greatly recommend reading the whole piece when given the chance:
“We do not catch diseases. We build them. We have to eat, drink, think, and feel them into existence. We work hard at developing our diseases. We must work just as hard at restoring health. The presence of germs does not constitute the presence of a disease. Bacteria are scavengers of nature…they reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence, whatsoever, on live cells. Germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are just living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. They are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies and maggots cause garbage. Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on it. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant! You always see firemen at burning buildings, but that doesn’t mean they caused the fire…
Traditional Western medicine teaches and practices the doctrines of French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Pasteur‘s main theory is known as the Germ Theory Of Disease. It claims that fixed species of microbes from an external source invade the body and are the first cause of infectious disease. The concept of specific, unchanging types of bacteria causing specific diseases became officially accepted as the foundation of allopathic Western medicine and microbiology in late 19th century Europe. Also called monomorphism,(one-form), it was adopted by America’s medical/industrial complex, which began to take shape near the turn of the century. This cartel became organized around the American Medical Association, formed by drug interests for the purpose of manipulating the legal system to destroy the homeopathic medical profession.
Controlled by pharmaceutical companies, the complex has become a trillion-dollar-a-year business. It also includes many insurance companies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hospitals, and university research facilities. The microbian doctrine gave birth to the technique of vaccination that was blindly begun in 1796 by Edward Jenner. Jenner took pus from the running sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his “patients.” Thus was born a vile practice (immunization/vaccination) whose nature has changed little to this day, and whose understanding is still clouded by Pasteur‘s theory. This also gave birth to the development of antibiotics, the first being penicillin in 1940. An antibiotic is the poisonous waste from one germ used in the attempt to kill another. Penicillin is the poison from a fungus. This has created the proliferation of aggressive and stubborn forms of resistant strains that haunt us today.”
Biological Terrain
“A healthy or diseased biological terrain is determined primarily by four things: its acid/alkaline balance (pH); its electric/magnetic charge (negative or positive); its level of poisoning (toxicity); and its nutritional status. One critical symptom of diseased terrain is low oxygen. Another is a stoppage of movement or stagnation in the colloidal body fluids between cells. Still another is loss of electrical charge on the surface of red blood cells. This contributes to a condition called rouleau, sometimes called “sticky blood.”
Within a cell’s wall, all the chemicals and components acting together make up life. Nothing within the cell is believed to be alive of itself. But, when you look at live blood, you can observe that microorganisms undergo an exact, scientifically verifiable cycle of change in their form. As profound as the change of a caterpillar to a butterfly, this evolution is even more fantastic, since it can happen quite rapidly (sometimes in a matter of minutes!). There are no enemies or specific diseases to fight. There is only the consequence of balance or imbalance. The universe seems to operate by keeping opposites in balance. When things get out of balance, a sign usually appears to make it known. Health is balance in the system. If you want to see a rough comparison of what’s happening in a sick body, try not cleaning your house for about a year.
In that environment, all kinds of small “guests” will come out of nowhere to take up residence with you. Similarly, the stresses of our wrong eating habits and way of life “dirty up” our inner environment. Our terrain becomes overly acidic (pH imbalance)–paving the way for unwanted guests. In this unbalanced environment, morbid bacteria can issue from our own cells. These tiny life forms can rapidly change their form and function. Through a process called pleomorphism, (pleo = many; morph = form), bacteria can change into yeast, yeast to fungus, fungus to mold. Microorganisms such as a specific bacterium, can take on multiple forms. This is a change of function as well as shape. It’s analagous to someone with multiple personalities, the person’s physiology changes with the personality changes. Dr. E.C. Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Labs, and other bacteriologists, demonstrated that a media change could alter streptococci to pneumococci and the food change back would reverse pneumococci to streptococci. This showed that bacteria are scavengers of nature and being essentially bags of enzymes, alter their shape and enzyme production for the purpose of dissolving to its smallest element whatever dead tissue is present. In addition to pH and pleomorphism, we need to consider a most important concept–the difference between the symptoms of a disease and the disease condition. In pleomorphism, a so-called species is just a stage in the growth cycle of a family of beings. Each member functions differently and looks a lot different from the others.
What most people call a “disease” is really a symptom or a collection of symptoms. For example, cancer tumors are symptoms, which is why trying to fight them has resulted in the epidemic we have today. What people commonly think of as causes of disease, are symptoms. In this category are bacteria, yeast, and their descendants. When germs are involved in illness, they are producing, or influencing the body to produce, secondary symptoms. In orthodox medicine, these secondary symptoms are thought of as the disease. The answer though, lies in the condition of your terrain. Is it in balance? Or will it support the development of unwanted guests? Once it gets going, the imbalance becomes a vicious circle. In pH imbalance, body tissues are on the acid side. The acid condition is promoted by a number of things, the main ones being food types and poor digestion. In poor digestion, food is either fermenting or putrefying. In the early stages of the imbalance, the outer symptoms may not be very intense and are frequently treated (manipulated) with drugs. They include such things as: skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, colds and flu, and sinus problems. As things get further out of balance, more serious conditions arise. Weakened glands, organs and systems start to give way–thyroid, adrenals, the liver, etc.
Unfortunately, symptom manipulation plays a major role in creating worse symptoms later. But most people don’t consider or realize this when they go for the quick medical fix. Even most doctors are not aware, or aren’t telling. The medical/militaristic approach is a substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons (drugs), trying to correct (attack) the reactions of starvation. Lack of understanding creates fear, but when we understand that both health and disease are created by our own living and eating habits, then there is no longer any fear of “germs.” Our individual immune systems are inescapably linked to the planet Earth, of whose substance we are made. The entire planet Earth, the complete geosphere, has its own functioning immune system, a self-protecting, regenerating, healing system. When we are not integrated in that system, or we harm that system, the inevitable result is our own degeneration. There is no blessing that anyone has ever received that was not linked to the Earth, even if it came from the Internet! Even the British Medical Journal of November 1950 admitted: “With the best of care, heavy bacterial contamination of vaccine lymph is inevitable during its preparation, and as many as 500 MILLION organisms per ml. may be present…” This being true, if bacteria caused disease, everyone receiving their first vaccination would expire within 24 hours of inoculation.”
“Antoine Béchamp, M.D., one of the world’s foremost bacteriologists and Pasteur‘s contemporary, was making great scientific discoveries and some of the greatest minds of his day accepted his theories and findings as definitely established facts. Béchamp attained so many achievements that it took eight pages of a scientific journal to list them when he died. Among many other things, he saved the French silk industry from devastation by silkworms, under the nose of Pasteur, who had been commissioned to solve it. He clearly described the process of fermentation for what it is: a process of digestion by microscopic beings. He was the first to assert that the blood is not a liquid, but a flowing tissue. He developed; a cheap process for the production of aniline which was the foundation of the dye industry.
What makes the germ theory so dangerous is that it seems so obviously true. But it is true only secondarily. Bechamp said “There is no doctrine so false that it does not contain some particle of truth. It is thus with microbian doctrines.” Béchamp discovered Microzyma (now known as micro-organisms) minute or small ferment bodies–the basic structure of cell life; and that germs definitely are the result, not the cause of disease. Through his experiments he showed that the vital characteristics of cells and germs are determined by the soil in which their microzyma feed, grow and multiply in the human body. Both the normal cell and germ have constructive work to do. The cells organize tissues and organs in the human body. Germs cleanse the human system and free it from accumulations of pathogenic and mucoid matter. We are constantly breathing in some 14,000 germs and bacteria per hour. If germs are so harmful, why aren’t we all dead?
In the primary stages of inflammation (pus formation), the bacteria present are streptococci but as blood cells and tissues further disintegrate, the “streps” turn into the staphylococcus–changing into forms native to their new surroundings of dead tissues. Bacteria do not have any action on live cells; only dead cells. They are not the cause of disease but the result thereof. That’s why in many cases of pneumonia; the pneumococci don’t appear on the scene until 36 to 72 hours after the onset of the disease. His biological work might then have revolutionized medicine with profound insight into the nature of life. But in a political world, he found himself up against a skillful politician with wealthy connections–Louis Pasteur. Antoinne Béchamp was a scientist, while apothecary Pasteur was a chemist with no education in life sciences, and an advertiser, plagiarized the research of Béchamp, distorted it, submitted it to the French Academy of Science as his own! And by making public these premature research findings, Pasteur had a devoted following–people acclaiming him a scientific genius. Pasteur was responsible in large part for the onslaught of animal experimentation in medical research. Pasteur used preparations made from the diseased tissues of previously sick animals, thus making the injected ones sick. This gave the appearance that a germ caused a disease, when if fact these preparations were extremely poisonous. This is not a scientific procedure, but simply demonstrates the fact that you can make someone sick by poisoning his or her blood. Based on his theory of microzymas, Béchamp warned emphatically against such direct and artificial invasion of the blood.
“From dust you are and to dust you shall return” Genesis 3:19
Thirty years prior to the rise of monomorphism, Béchamp brought his attention to tiny “molecular granulations” found in body cells, which other observers had noted before him. They had been scantily defined, and no one had identified their status or function. After 10 years of careful experimentation, Béchamp brought to the world in 1866 the profound revelation that the granules were living elements. He renamed them microzymas, meaning “small ferments.” During the following 13 years, Béchamp, with his devoted co-worker, Professor Estor, developed and refined the Theory of Microzymas.
The essence of this theory is that the microzyma, an independently living element, exists within all living things, and is both the builder and recycler or organisms. It inhabits cells, the fluid between cells, the blood and the lymph. In a state of health, the microzymas act harmoniously and fermentation occurs normally, beneficially. But in the condition of disease, microzymas become disturbed and change their form and function. They evolve into microscopic forms (germs) that reflect he disease and produce the symptoms, becoming what Béchamp called “morbidly evolved” microzymas. This occurs due to modification of our terrain by an inverted way of eating and living. Béchamp observed granules linking together and lengthening into bacteria. He therefore observed, explored and expressed the concept of pleomorphism first. Being at the foundation of organization in the body, microzymian transformations build up cells and eventually the whole organism in which they exist. Their function is twofold, and they are poised to recycle the physical body upon death. It is matter, which cannot be created or destroyed, and is the precursor to all living organized matter.
The microzyma is a ferment: a living element capable of fermenting sugar. This is a digestive (chemical) process carried on by enzymes (from Greek, meaning “to ferment”). There are various classifications of fermentations, based on the final products. Alcohol is one such product, so there are alcoholic fermentations. There are also lactic fermentations, resulting in the production of lactic acid. This kind of fermentation happens in muscle, creating the fatigue and pain we’re all familiar with. Béchamp saw the life process as a continual cellular breakdown by microzymian fermentation–even in a healthy body. Renewal is happening as well, which is also being done by the microzymas. When illness is present, fermentative breakdown is not only accelerated, but is taken over by morbid evolutions, including bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold. These are the upper development forms of the microzyma, which feed on vital body substances. This results in degenerative disease symptoms.”
I wanted to include this second article from the Weston A. Price Foundation as it does a masterful job presenting the political and commercial climate that allowed Pasteur and his theory to flourish while Bechamp’s research was left to wittle away and become obscured in the background. Pasteur had important powerful connections and his pseudoscientific evidence was profitable and fit entirely within the goals of those in a position to be rewarded financially. Bechamp, on the other hand, was in direct opposition of those goals and his work could not be exploited in order to create profit nor control. Pasteur had a reputation as a fraud and a plagarist whereas Bechamp was well respected by his peers. The stark contrast between these men and their work is truly fascinating and can go a long ways towards helping to understand how we have strayed so far away from the true causes of dis-ease:
“Whereas most Americans probably have heard of Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), it is doubtful that many are familiar with the name and work of Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908). The two nineteenth-century researchers were scientific contemporaries, compatriots and fellow members of the French Academy of Science, but key differences in their views on biology and disease pathology led to a prolonged rivalry both within and outside of the Academy.
Béchamp was the more brilliant thinker, but Pasteur had political connections, including Emperor Napoleon III. Reportedly not above “plagiarising and distorting Béchamp’s research,” Pasteur achieved fame and fortune largely because his views “were in tune with the science and the politics of his day.” Meanwhile, mainstream medical historians relegated Béchamp’s ideas—not as attractive to conventional thinkers—to the intellectual dustbin.
Pasteur’s promotion of germ theory (a flawed notion that he did not so much “discover” as repackage) has remained “dear to pharmaceutical company executives’ hearts” up to the present day, having laid the groundwork for “synthetic drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, surgical removal of body parts and vaccines” to become the “medicine[s] of choice.” The unshakeable belief that there is one microbe for every illness is so ingrained as the “controlling medical idea for the Western world” that competing ideas about disease causation still have difficulty gaining traction.
Over a century after the two Frenchmen’s demise, why bother to revisit their place in history? The answer is that the scientific (and industry) bias in favor of Pasteur’s model has not served the public’s health—to the contrary. Two decades into the twenty-first century, dismal national and international health statistics utterly belie the hype about medical advances. In the U.S., for example, over half of all children have one or more chronic conditions, as does a comparable proportion of millennials and up to 62 percent of Medicaid-population adults. Most health care dollars spent in the U.S. (86 percent) are for patients with at least one chronic condition. Similar trends are on the rise around the world.
For those who are able to steel themselves against medical propaganda, it is abundantly clear that the Pasteurian paradigm has failed to deliver. With Americans in such a shocking state of ill health, we cannot afford to let the profit-driven pharmaceutical perspective continue to dominate. As one writer more bluntly puts it, “The sooner we get over the legacy of Pasteur’s fake science and get back to reality the better.”
History awarded renown to the reductionist Pasteur for being the “father of immunology” and popularizing the theory that disease involves “a simple interaction between specific microorganisms and a host.” In his singleminded focus on the germ side of the equation, Pasteur ignored the host and discounted the influence of environmental factors, thereby “conveniently dismissing social responsibility for disease.”
Both at the time and thereafter, the public and most fellow scientists found germ theory easy to embrace, perceiving Pasteur’s model of life and health to be not only “superficially plausible” but also “financially exploitable.” In fact, most of the big-name pharmaceutical companies that we know today got their start in Pasteur’s era, often by merging with chemical firms, united in their goal of developing and selling synthetic products to “selectively kill or immobilize parasites, bacteria, and other invasive disease-causing microbes.” Quoting comments by Ethel Douglas Hume in 1923, one author has remarked that Pasteur’s “greatest claim to fame ought to have been the inauguration of the ‘calamitous prostitution of science and medicine to commercialism.’”
Béchamp, according to his fans, held a rather “marvelous view of the life process” and espoused a more nuanced perspective on infectious and chronic illness—for which history branded him a heretic. Much of Béchamp’s work centered on the biological role of fermentation. He coined the term “microzymas” (from zyme, the ancient Greek word for a ferment) to describe tiny particles that he viewed as the “primary anatomical elements of all living beings”—“the beginning and end of all organization.” Béchamp viewed these particles as living entities precisely because of their “power of movement and production of fermentation.” Subsequent generations of open-minded researchers agreed with Béchamp’s pioneering observations about microparticles as the fundamental unit of biology, with the most recent research in this vein proposing a new genetic theory and a “universal life paradigm” involving spontaneous self-assembly of DNA.
Béchamp’s various discoveries led him to conclude that our bodies are, in effect, “miniecosystems.” When an individual’s internal ecosystem becomes weakened—whether due to poor nutrition, toxicity or other factors—it changes the function of the microbes that are naturally present in the body, producing disease. In other words, microorganisms only become pathogenic after environmental factors cause the host’s cellular “terrain” to deteriorate.”
“The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories. The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.”
-Montague R. Leverson
Hopefully the above sources have given a good overview into the history of these two theories as well as the men behind them. Learning about Antoine Béchamp and the terrain theory impacted my life greatly. It was paradigm shifting information that led to a re-evaluation of how I treat moments of dis-ease. While I had already abandoned the vaccine concept a few years prior, this information ultimately helped me to remove all pharmaceutical products and supplements from my life. I examined each potential area of impact to see what changes I could make that would help to improve my terrain. Presented below, while not an exhaustive list, are areas that directly impact our terrain. I have provided brief explanations for each as well as how I have attempted to make improvements in order to ensure a healthy terrain for myself and my fanily. While an imbalance in any of these areas could lead to dis-ease, it is often of combination of many factors which result in a toxic terrain in need of cleansing.
A person’s diet can definitely impact their health. As the saying goes, we are what we eat. The majority of our food supply is covered in toxic pesticides like glyphosate and has become overly processed and far removed from its original nutrient dense state. For myself personally, I switched my family to an organic diet that limits processed foods as much as possible. While it is very difficult to live entirely organic, we make sure that the vast majority of the food and ingredients we buy/consume are organic. While not an every day occurence, we do cosume meat that is organic, grass-fed, cage-free and pasture raised. While we do not completely eliminate the “bad” foods or going out to the occasional restaurant, we do so in moderation. My goal in the near future is support our Iowa farmers by buying fresh organic produce locally rather than from chain stores.
I want to point out that, contrary to what some might claim, there is no one-size-fits-all science-based terrain diet. Some will state that one must eat a natural hygiene fruit-based diet while others will talk about focusing on alkaline vesus acidic foods. People can be healthy or sick regardless of the diet that they choose. If you see such claims of a “terrain diet,” investigate them and seek out any such studies being promoted as science for yourself to see whether or not the information backing such claims actually adheres to the scientific method. You will find that they do not. While there may not be a specific “terrain diet,” there are certain principles that we can incorporate in order to eat as healthy as possible. The most important thing to remember regarding diet is to eat clean organic meat, fruits, and vegetables as much as possible and to limit the highly processed junk foods and restaurants. Moderation and balance is the key.
As water is the most important liquid that we consume on a daily basis, it is imperative to provide yourself with the most refreshing and clean water that you can find. Unfortunately, our water supply is full of harmful toxins such as added fluoride and chlorine as well as pesticide and pharmaceutical residues. Our family does not use tap water anymore due to the heavy toxin content. For years, I refilled 5 gallon water bottles from the grocery store in order to avoid the tap. Recently, we invested in a reverse osmosis unit for the water in our house. As I drink water like it’s going out of style, it was extremely important to me to eliminate as much fluoride, chlorine, and other contaminants as possible. I highly recommend making an investment in a reverse osmosis unit. We bought ours from Culligan for around $1200 and it was installed in our basement laundry room which eliminated the need to have a bulky unit under our sink.
Our bodies are designed to move. They require us to be as active as physically possible yet for most of us, our jobs put us in an sedentary state 8 to 10 hours a day for the majority of the week. We then sit in front of a TV to binge watch Netflix to relax after a hard day’s work. However, in order to maintain health, we need to find ways to move, whether it is getting to the gym a few times a week, going out for walks or riding a bike, doing yard work and other chores, etc.
This has been a consistently challenging area for myself personally, which may seem odd for someone who was a personal trainer. Due to a fracture in my L5/S1 and herniated discs in my neck, physical activity can exacerbate inflammation and make my days particularly painful. However, remaining sedentary can be just as deterimental so I have looked for ways to get at least 30 minutes of planned physical activity every day of the week. Getting outside and walking the nature trails is a rewarding way to get in movement and absorb much needed sunlight. If the weather is not permitting, getting on a treadmill is a decent substitute. We all have our own personal challenges we must overcome in order to get our bodies to move consistently. It definitely takes planning, effort, and motivation to live a healthy lifestyle. There is always room for improvement but the important thing to remember is to just find ways to move.
In what way is it logical to believe that we are deficient in man-made synthetic toxins and that we must take them daily just to be able to function properly? I will never understand how I ever believed that my body required synthetic chemicals in order to do the normal processes it is designed to do. At one point or another, I believed that I needed a vaccine to protect me from invisible “viruses.” I believed that I needed two different medications so that my body could regulate my blood pressure in order to reach an arbitrary threshold. I believed that I needed three different pain medications in order to be able to survive throughout the day. I gave away my own personal responsibility for taking care of my health and gave it to the pharmaceutical industry. I stopped believing that my body is smart, capable, and that it knows how to function as it is supposed to do.
After understanding terrain theory, the cloud of doubt that had led me to disbelieve in the natural abilities of my body to self-regulate washed away and I learned how to listen to and trust my body again. I no longer believe that I need nor am I dependent on man-made chemicals in order to survive. It is important to figure out how to luve without these toxins in whatever way possible. With laundry lists of side effects as well as unknown interactions between medications and the harm from long-term use, it is imperative to seek out natural and alternative paths towards healing before becoming a slave to the pharmaceutical empire.
Many are unfortunately willingly subjecting themselves to poisons on a daily basis in the form of recreational drugs and alcohol. In many cases, these substances are used to help the individual cope with the stresses of daily life and as a way to escape as well as to numb the pain. It is very easy to fall prey to an addictive lifestyle in order to avoid dealing with changes that need to be made in order to be mentally and physically healthy. These substances are momentary band-aids which immediately fall off and leave any deep wounds exposed and vulnerable.
Personally, I was never one to partake in drugs of any kind beyond the legal ones given by my doctors. I was never a heavy drinker. I would only drink on occasion and as I was a lightweight, one alcoholic beverage would be enough to do me in. I also never had the desire to smoke as puffing out dark clouds of toxins did not appeal to me. I saw what these two vices ultimately did to my grandfather which instilled within me the desire to avoid both habits at all costs. I also have an addictive personality so I could forsee myself falling into a dangerous and deadly pattern that would be hard to break. Little did I know that it wasn’t the illegal drugs that would nearly cost me my life but the ones given to me by the men in white coats. The “legal drugs” were just as hard to break away from. We must realize that the temporary numbness and sense of relief that these drugs may seem to provide is not worth the long-term destruction of our health. There are always better alternatives available.
This may be one of the most important factors leading to disease and one that, although it isn’t always a simple fix, we can directly control our response to in order to avoid any negative impact. It is very easy in the current climate, especially given the last three years, to get trapped in emotional turmoil. Whether it is increased stress from being overworked and underpaid to dealing with the onslaught of fear-based propaganda aimed at raising anxiety levels, we face many challenges to maintaining our mental and emotional health. These stressors can easily manifest as the very symptoms we are trying to avoid.
I have focused on various methods in order to decrease my own anxiety and stress in order to restore health. I can find comfort in the escape offered by a good novel, comic book, movie, TV show, or video game. I can restore inner peace by getting out in nature and enjoying the sunlight. I can calm rising anxiety with 15 minutes of deep breathing. I listen and relax to my favorite 80’s music (Journey and Foreigner). I get together with the family for a good old-fashioned game night. All of these tactics have worked wonders for me and I do a mixture of them at any given time. However, my favorite de-stressor has come in the form of writing. I know, shocking, right? Researching and writing articles has been amazingly therapeutic and being able to share this with all of you has been a blessing. I believe it is important to have a full-on arsenal of de-stressing tactics ready and waiting at our disposal to use whenever the moment arises. Difficult situations often call for a variety of tactics. Find those that suit your lifestyle and return yourself to emotional freedom.
Getting adequate sleep is of the utmost importance. This is the time when we need to recharge ourselves after a long day. This is the time where our bodies do the most important healing processes in order to refresh us for the next day. If we do not allow ourselves to get enough uninterrupted deep sleep (8-10 hours is the normal recommendation), we will get stuck trying to play catch up. Our bodies are unable to heal and we are not able to function to the best of our abilities when we are exhausted and overworked. We must find ways to be able to get enough sleep to feel recharged and rejuvenated each and every day.
Unfortunately, this is an area that continues to be a struggle for me. As I deal with constant pain, getting to sleep and staying in a deep slumber is not easy. I used to rely on over-the-counter and prescription drugs as well as supplements in order to fall asleep. After ridding myself of these toxic clutches, it took a few weeks of erratic sleeping hours to restore a proper sleeping pattern. I focused on deep relaxation and breathing techniques to help along with the use of a far infrared heating pad before sleep to reduce inflammation. I also eliminated my pillow as I discovered it was exacerbating my neck pain and keeping my body out of alignment. Eventually, my body got used to sleeping without a pillow and I was able to ease the pain enough to fall asleep. I still struggle with staying asleep so this area definitely remains a work in progress.
We are constantly bombarded by different forms of electromagnetic radiation. Whether it is coming from our phones, internet routers, smart meters, cell phone towers, electrical aplliances/outlets, etc., there are many sources of EMF’s that we are regularly subjected to on a daily basis. While this is not an area I have studied greatly, I do know there is research out there showing a strong correlation between these forms of radiation and disease. The most frequently cited book on the subject is The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, which is high up on my list of books to read if I ever give myself a break.
Personally, I have looked for ways to reduce exposure for myself and my family. I have a cell-phone cover that is said to block harmful radiation. I have turned off the 5G function on my phone. I use a far infrared heating pad that is designed to reduce as much EMF as possible. I use a Faraday cage over my router to limit EMF exposure. I am positive that there is far more that I can do to protect myself and my family from the potential negative impact of this form of radiation so, while I have made some improvements, this is another area that remains a work-in-progress at the moment.
Think about the many different chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis. Can you name the different ingredients in your normal every day cleaning supplies? How about your laundry detergent? Toothpaste? Perfumes and colognes? Deodorant? Shampoos and body washes? Hand-sanitizers? How about weed killers and fertilizers? There are numerous chemical compounds that we are in contact with each and every day that we do not give a moments thought about on how these unpronouncible synthetic ingredients may impact our health. There are many additives that are considered safe for human use by the “trustworthy” FDA yet they are not studied throughly alone nor in combination with other ingredients. Many are said to be hormone and endocrine disrupters while others may have associations with the development of certain cancers.
My general rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce it, avoid it. Also, if there is a number behind it, such as in a chemical like polysorbate-80, it’s best to steer clear. The best resource I have come across in regards to evaluating the different cleaning supplies I use is the Environmental Working Group (EWG) database. I have switched body wash, shampoo, dish soap and detergent, laundry soap and detergent, bathroom cleaners, weed killer, etc. based on the ingredients listed. While it is not easy to avoid every chemical ingredient that may be harmful, we must find a way to do our best to limit our overall exposure level in order to keep ourselves and our loved ones from any potential harm.
This is a big one that is very often overlooked. Because of skin cancer concerns and fear-propaganda, we have been conditioned to be frightened of getting natural sunlight. We are told to lather up with aluminum-filled sunscreens just to enjoy being outdoors. We are sold sunglasses to shield our eyes from natural light. We wear baseball hats to keep the sunlight off of our faces. Umbrellas are hoisted on beaches in order to shield our bodies from the beneficial rays. UV-blocking clothes are worn to “protect” our skin while swimming. Are we really protecting ourselves with these measures or are we cutting off important health benefits?
Beyond vitamin D, sunlight is said to help regulate sleep patterns, reduce stress, improve mood, strengthen bones, and promote a longer life. Why are we trying to keep ourselves away from these highly beneficial rays? Of course, too much of a good thing can be damaging but we need not block ourselves off from the sun. I try to find numerous ways to get sunlight every day, whether sitting on the porch and soaking in the rays for 30 minutes or going for a walk. I will not wear sunscreen and I am careful about not overdoing the amount of time that I’m in direct light for long extended periods (over an hour at high peak). I even take moments to stare directly at the sun to help improve my vision by increasing my tolerance to bright light. It is far past time that we stop fearing the effects of the sun and embrace its ability to heal.
“The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
-Florence Nightingale
Learning about the terrain theory complimented my investigation into the fraud of virology. When viewing dis-ease through the terrain lense, it became obvious that we no longer need to fear invisible entities claimed to be pathogenic. We must instead place our focus and attention on those factors which we can do something about.
We are not victims to these fictional intracellular parasites. We have control over our own wellness destinies and it is entirely up to us to do what we can to improve our internal environment in order to maintain our health. Dis-ease does not come from invisible outside invaders intent on highjacking the body. Wellness does not come from a magical injection nor a pill. Dis-ease starts from within and optimal health and wellness comes from establishing and maintaining balance in our lives.
I want to provide a few books related to the terrain theory for further education and understanding. The first is the book Bechamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology by Ethel Douglas Hume.
This book is a compelling and thorough account of Pasteur’s plagiarism and scientific fraud. It contains the evidence of the false grounds on which the germ theory of disease was elevated to its current status as a dogma, and beyond question. In this forgotten chapter of the history of biology and medicine, we are shown how powerful interests and agendas have prevailed over genuine science. Here are strong reminders of the powers which control the pharmaceutical and regulatory industries to this day.
Hume details the contention between Béchamp and Pasteur, and presents ample references to the original source material and supporting evidence. No claim is left undocumented or unsupported. Both authors are clearly not fans of Pasteur or his corruption of the principles of science, and they declare their intentions openly. They seek to undo a massive medical and scientific fraud. This new edition of their work is presented with the same intent.
The second is an excellent look at the fraud of Louis Pasteur by leading Pasteur researcher Gerald Geison
In The Private Science of Louis Pasteur, Gerald Geison has written a controversial biography that finally penetrates the secrecy that has surrounded much of this legendary scientist’s laboratory work. Geison uses Pasteur’s laboratory notebooks, made available only recently, and his published papers to present a rich and full account of some of the most famous episodes in the history of science and their darker sides–for example, Pasteur’s rush to develop the rabies vaccine and the human risks his haste entailed. The discrepancies between the public record and the “private science” of Louis Pasteur tell us as much about the man as they do about the highly competitive and political world he learned to master.