Martin Luther King, Tyranny, and Natural Law

Martin Luther King, Tyranny, and Natural Law

Human laws gain their legitimacy by being in accord with the higher forms of law (that is, by according with genuine morality and metaphysical reality, not at all because the government has the power to impose laws).

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A crucial moment for humankind

A crucial moment for humankind

This is the moment to act! We cannot let them get away with their twisted project, even though the vast reach of their corrupt power makes this a challenging proposition.

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Our Quest for Freedom: Exposing

Our Quest for Freedom: Exposing

For the vast majority of humankind, activities such as engineering wars to make money, deliberately poisoning people or trafficking children for sex are utterly beyond their acceptable moral limits.

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Forest Rebels (Deep Resistance Part 6)

Forest Rebels (Deep Resistance Part 6)

Who our enemy is becomes clearer. It is all those at the very top of the current world system who can’t help but see their interests as being aligned in the face of the challenges confronting them.

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Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning

Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning

The modern system disempowers us, on every level, stifles and stunts us, forces us to repress our deepest feelings, intuitions and desires in order to fit into its gridwork of conformity and obedience.

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