Bill Gates
Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book

Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book

Bill Gates’s new book How to Prevent the Next Pandemic: The main theme is implied in the title. With enough money, intelligence, and power, along with technological know-how at the helm, the next pathogen to come along can be stopped in its tracks.

Who is Bill Gates?

Who is Bill Gates?

This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates’s Book Is Rubbish!

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates’s Book Is Rubbish!

“Just by chance I was reading the rubbish in Bill Gates’ new book. I normally don’t read rubbish but when they want to be rulers through rubbish, I read it. And it’s lovely because he says the greenhouse gases from factory farms are not because of factory farms and putting animals in prisons … it’s because the cows were the problem. They had four stomachs and the four stomachs make the methane.” —Vandana Shiva

Bill Gates & His Fake Solutions to Climate Change

Bill Gates & His Fake Solutions to Climate Change

Gates’ unparalleled influence marks not only the extraordinary power of his wealth, but also a convergence of philanthropy, private corporations, and international institutions to shape policy and development landscapes to their own interests. But this shaping, while seemingly justified by a noble humanitarian and environmental cause, instead pushes a failed paradigm of industrialization and corporate concentration under the guise of necessary technological innovation.

Gates to a Global Empire, a Global Citizens’ Report by Navdanya International

Gates to a Global Empire, a Global Citizens’ Report by Navdanya International

Bill Gates is now seen as a coy, generous ‘impatient optimist’ looking to put his money to use helping the world’s poor. But before his full PR makeover and after multiple antitrust lawsuits, Gates held the reputation of a ruthless tech giant, out to strongarm collaborators, wholly squash competitors, and clear the way from the monopolistic Microsoft empire. A strategy now being exported to influence the global development agenda into alignment with his very specific interests.

How Bill Gates Controls Global Messaging and Censorship

How Bill Gates Controls Global Messaging and Censorship

Bill Gates is the world’s largest vaccine producer and the single largest donor to the World Health Organization (WHO)—since President Trump halted U.S. support pending an investigation of WHO’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis—and a significant donor to the CDC Foundation. Those agencies are now marketing arms for his vaccine empire.

GNN (Gates News Network), October 18, 2019

GNN (Gates News Network), October 18, 2019

If the solution means controlling and reducing accessing to information, it’s the right choice. News organizations, public health groups and companies need to help people take the right actions to protect themselves by promoting accurate, real information about the outbreak.

“Goebbels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.” —Noam Chomsky