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by Hawaii Unites | Aug 1, 2024
Hawai’i Unites Founder Tina Lia talks with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty about harmful government policies and the rise of the biomedical security state. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i, the militarization of public health, conflicts of interest and conflicts of fear, censorship and the illusion of consensus, suppression of dissident voices, character assassination and propaganda campaigns, ethics and transparency in science and medicine, and having the moral integrity and courage to stand on principle.
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty is a physician specializing in psychiatry and a published author whose most recent book The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State offers insight into the rise to power of government officials and unelected technocrats scheming to control science, public health, and individual freedom. Dr. Kheriaty is a Fellow and Director of the Program in Bioethics and American Democracy at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He’s also a plaintiff in the landmark free speech case Missouri v. Biden challenging government censorship on social media. Dr. Aaron Kheriaty serves in a number of teaching and advisory roles, including as Senior Counselor at the Brownstone Institute, and he’s testified before the U.S. Senate on matters of public policy and healthcare.
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty:
X @AaronKheriatyMD
Hawai‘i Unites is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of our environment and natural resources. We’ve taken state agencies to court to stop the release of experimental bacteria-infected mosquitoes on Maui. Your tax-deductible donations help us to continue the work that we’re doing to protect the health of Hawai’i’s people, animals, and ‘āina.
The mission of Hawai‘i Unites is honoring and protecting our sacred connection to the natural world.