The king and the criminocrats

The king and the criminocrats

Because the criminocracy presents its agenda as benevolent and progressive, others will be happily working for its global machineries without ever seeing the dark reality behind the rainbow-coloured facade.

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The money behind the smears

The money behind the smears

It seems very strange to Mr. Cudenec that “anarchists” would use fabricated political smears to cancel criticism of rich and powerful movers and shakers in the medico-pharmaceutic complex and in the global banking system.

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Criminocracy and its lies

Criminocracy and its lies

The criminocracy is nothing but a house of cards, fabricated by professional con-artists, and very soon now the fresh breeze of truth is going to blow it down.

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Viewing Ukraine Through the Davos Lens

Viewing Ukraine Through the Davos Lens

Vladimir Putin was also a WEF Young Global Leader. Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the WEF and man with the plan to discard rule by the people in favor of rule by corporate interests, bragged that Putin was a member of his Young Global Leaders program.

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