The Choice this Election: Between Corporate and Oligarchic Power
There is a civil war within capitalism. Kamala Harris is the face of corporate power. Donald Trump is the mascot of the oligarchs. Either way, we lose.
Media Falls Below Congress in Trust Survey
Gallup’s annual confidence survey shows 68% of Americans will not relieve themselves on a journalist in flames.
The Long Shadow of the Tar Sands
Extraction of lithium at Thacker Pass would directly support the economics of extracting additional sulfur-rich crude oil and bitumen at the tar sands, further incentivizing the destruction of the planet.
The cost of industrial meat: conflict and environmental destruction
A small group of companies controls a large share of the market. This raises concerns about sustainability, animal welfare and the environmental and social impact of these industrial methods.
The Plot to Manage Democracy
Elites are building a system to control and constrain Americans’ self-expression and political freedom.
Google’s Empire Cracks
Even for Google, the clock has started ticking. The recent court decisions and some looming remedies suggest that the company’s dominance might finally face a real challenge.
Extermination Works. At First.
Israel will continue its mass killing to achieve its immediate goals, but in the long run the blowback from its genocide will doom the Zionist state.
Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism
The problem is that we don’t have control over our own productive capacities, because we don’t have an economic democracy. Some of us live in political democracies, where, from time to time, we get to elect government officials, but when it comes to the economic system, not even the pretense of democracy is allowed to exist.