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The consent of the governed and the social contract are propagandist’s myths. We have never given our informed consent to be ruled and no one has even seen, let alone signed, any contract whereby they agreed to be ruled.
“Equity” concept appears 829 times in Department’s 2025 budget request, reaching academia, bureaucrats, researchers and care providers.
Treating populations with a one-size-fits-all approach, stripping away individual rights, and using people as means to societal ends evokes an antidemocratic utilitarianism.
Americans can still do math. $17.9 billion dollars to Israel in one year, and $113.4 billion to Ukraine since 2022, yet no money available to rebuild crumbling infrastructure, reduce medical or educational debt, create affordable housing, fund public transit, or invest in job-creation?
It is despair that is killing us. It fosters what the Roger Lancaster calls “poisoned solidarity,” the intoxication forged from the negative energies of fear, envy, hatred and a lust for violence.
Many voters, feeling disillusioned, are searching in vain for narratives that resonate with their experiences.
More than 200 cases have been filed around the country before the election this year. In the last week, worrisome elements have begun to pop up in various swing states.
Covert PR operations involving the secret profiling of over 3,000 people and organisations considered “critics” of the pesticide industry recently made headlines around the world.