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Jessica’s Website
This is the peer reviewed paper discussed most in the podcast.
A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse
Here is an excellent podcast with Gal Shalev and Jessica that I mention at the start.
Dr. Jessica Rose was born in Ontario, Canada into an academically oriented family. She pursued her Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) immediately after high school and subsequently, a Master’s in Medicine in Immunology at MUN. She was one of 5 esteemed graduates of a newly established interdisciplinary degree program pursing a master’s degree in Medicine with a focus on Immunology. She continued with her studies in Israel, having been invited to pursue a PhD in Computational Biology at Bar Ilan University. Since its completion, she has successfully completed two Post-Doctoral degrees in Molecular Biology, with a focus on Rickettsiology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Biochemistry, with a focus on Anisotropic Network modeling of ATP-Cassette-Binding Transporter molecule mechanisms at the Technion Institute of Technology.
She took a break following completion of the final Post Doc in December 2019 in perfect sync with the declaration of the global ‘pandemic’. She used this an opportunity to pursue the task of teaching herself ‘R’ using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data from the United States. Since then, she has published her findings in the journal ‘Science, Public Health Policy and the Law’ and has two other publications in peer review soon to be published – both pertaining to VAERS data. One of the manuscripts is a critical appraisal of VAERS pharmacovigilance and the other is a review of Myocarditis adverse events.
She has progressed in leaps and bounds with R and has since created a website that publishes her data live weekly. You are most welcome to visit this site: She has also since become the first recipient of the Joshua Kuntz Research Fellowship that honors the life and passing of Joshua Kuntz – is a young man who lived with the unintended adverse effects of a vaccine.
My interview with Frank McCaughey didn’t last 11 hours on YouTube
So the censorship continues. I did a very detailed and informative interview with Frank McCaughey of Ireland on the subject of the pointlessness, potential harms and dangers with mass injecting children during this ‘pandemic’ with the known non-sterilizing COVID-19 injectable products. And it has been removed. You can watch it above.
YouTube’s Community Guidelines: These determine what content is allowed on YouTube and help make YouTube a safe place to foster community.
A safe place to foster community, eh? What kind of community are you thinkin’ ‘bout there, Youtube? A community akin to an enslaved, dead-eyed mass of hypnotized automatons? If I may: no thanks on that. I’d rather live on that cat Island. So, for those of you who didn’t get to see the video (I imagine that is all of you since it was up for less than 24 hours), I talked at length about the ‘don’t’s of injecting pre-pubescent children with experimental products for which the ingredient list is a big secret for a ‘disease’ that they do not succumb to.
Ah, I see now. It was because I mentioned Ivermectin. Boy. Youtube. Get with the program! Read some studies for crying out loud! And update your censorship guidelines! Make them reflect the scientific truth and not the weird false dictates of singular beings who feast on the ‘community’ to increase their ‘power’.
Here’s what I found in their COVID-19 medical misinformation policy.
Treatment misinformation:
Content that encourages the use of home remedies, prayer, or rituals in place of medical treatment such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital
Content that claims that there’s a guaranteed cure for COVID-19
Content that recommends use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19
Claims that Hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19
Categorical claims that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19
Claims that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are safe to use in the treatment COVID-19
Other content that discourages people from consulting a medical professional or seeking medical advice
Ok. I want to work backwards through the italicized points, if I may.
Hey Youtube. I AM a medical sciences professional. This IS my consultation. Doesn’t that make your dictate of discouraging ‘consulting a medical professional’ moot? I am not only not discouraging this, in addition to encouraging this, I am this.
Hey Youtube. GET WITH THE PROGRAM. Ivermectin has been affiliated with Nobel-ity. It’s not only been awarded a prize for its safe use as an anti-parastic for decades and been doled out to literally billions of people, (including pregnant women and children) with no ill effects, it’s has an excessively successful safety profile as an off-label drug in the context of COVID-19.¹
It has also been clinically-tested and proven effective in the context of COVID-19 as an off-label drug – which is more than we can say about the clot shots, eh?²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹¹⁰¹¹
Based on points, 1, 2 and 3, I would recommend the off-label use of Ivermectin. As a Medical Scientist.
Oh and by the way, aren’t you violating your own ‘Community Standards’ with your point on a ‘guaranteed cure for COVID-19’? You guys are so sure that your injections are the only way to deal with this situation. Doesn’t that imply that this guarantees a cure? No wait. It doesn’t. But what it does do is set a precedent and instigate a thought: there will never be a cure for COVID-19. It’s incurable. Which is: true. But it’s also no worse than the flu in the non-vulnerable, which is most people. Including children. So we don’t need to seek a ‘cure’. Just like we don’t need to seek a ‘cure’ for the common cold or the flu. That’s one of the things that our bloody immune systems are for and very good it – preventing disease.
Viruses are EVERYWHERE. ALL THE TIME. It’s not a reason to freak out. Educate yourself and others on this. It about high time people learned that we are constantly engaging and have co-evolved with viruses and bacteria for the entirety of our existences. It’s what we are.¹² Our genome is 7% retrovirus. If we attempt to destroy this magnificence then we are not only stupid, but we will be destroyed in turn. Leave the immune system alone. Or rather, optimize it. Be healthy. Avoid toxins. As much as you can. Pretty simple.
So there you are Youtube. You have been brought up-to-date. Now, I don’t like simply bitching about stuff, even though it does feel good, so I wanted to bring it to everyone’s attention that you can fight to have your content re-instated once it has been removed. However, it is not a common occurrence to have a video re-instated once it has been censored. The ones that do get re-instated typically are ones that were erroneously taken down. I think that the Youtube overlords would argue that since they are paid to enforce the dictate narrative, they cannot stand behind science and truth, and therefore, I think they would hold fast to their ‘claims’ that Ivermectin is dangerous and ineffective.
Here’s an interesting read for all of all you freedom-loving people. It’s a guide on how to deal with online censorship and ways to evade state-sponsored censorship and spying written by Paul Bischoff.
Lifted from Paul Bischoff’s: A beginner’s guide to online censorship.