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From The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smolin
by Eric Coppolino | Jan 21, 2023
Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey, scientific advisor to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and to the organization Children’s Health Defense (CHD), first came onto my radar a couple of months ago when I read emails about him ridiculing someone named Christine Massey. By ridiculing, I mean brutally, and also deceiving his viewers about her and her findings. I am sure that examples will find their way into the comment section of this article.
As you listen, keep an ear for whether Dr. Couey offers any evidence of his many claims. He never cites a single study or paper, and he never provided me with any of the documents that he promised, nor has he sent Christine any of the studies or papers he promised. He refused to provide Planet Waves FM his CV, questioning why I would want to see it (since he is not applying for a job). We have, however, done our best to confirm that his his academic credentials are real.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Photo by Cindy Ord
When I had my one opportunity to ask Mr. Kennedy one question at a fundraising event in April 24, 2022, I chose to ask him about Christine’s work. My intent was to establish for sure the date, time and place where Mr. Kennedy was informed of this particular body of information — with plenty of witnesses present.
Christine and her colleagues around the world are asking governments and agencies the one question that forms the basis of all investigative reporting: where’s your data?
Using various Freedom of Information (FOI) laws, they query governments and health regulatory institutions everywhere, asking whether they have any record of a sample of SARS-CoV-2 taken from a human. Christine also asks if they have evidence in any scientific paper documenting that the claimed virus was ever extracted from a human host, created anywhere else, by anyone.
Unanimously, more than 200 of them have said no, we do not. Some have been queried many times, many ways, so the count is for agencies, not responses received.
Christine Massey
These are the very same institutions and governments who asserted, beginning in early 2020, that there was a virus, and that there was an urgent threat to human life, and therefore, they could put half the world under house arrest, lock down businesses, and cause incalculable harm, grief and loss of life.
Asked simply whether they have proof of their reason for taking these actions, they all say no. This is now a matter of intent: they knew or should have known they had no record of a virus, yet they seized power and acted on society anyway — granting themselves all kinds of legal indemnity and immunity along the way.
What occurred in 2020 was not, in Mr. Kennedy’s aching words, “a mismanaged pandemic.” All of the mitigation measures are now demonstrably deliberate, unnecessary acts that harmed nearly everyone, which has been obvious for a long time.
Based on the problem of foreknowledge, whole matter should go straight to the prosecutors. I am sure Mr. Kennedy’s father, who served as Attorney General of the United States, would have been infuriated by this disclosure. And, after he cooled off, I imagine he would have personally started drafting a criminal indictment against the government officials who defrauded the public by making and acting on such a false claim, resulting in incalculable loss to the nation and the world.
This matter also belongs on every page one in existence. It belongs not only in the corporate press but also on all of the “health freedom” channels and vlogs and blogs and casts and pods and panels as the most important disclosure to arise out of the rolling disaster we are living through.
But apart from a very few places who have given Christine air time, there is eerie silence that sounds like what it is: a coverup.
And in the case of Mr. Kennedy’s science advisor Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey, the matter is treated, in public, like a joke. In this respect, Dr. Couey is in the role not of science advisor but of a rodeo clown who is distracting a charging bull from trampling his boss.
Is JJ texting or something? He is looking down constantly. It seems he is not completely involved in the converstation.
Too many people text during these interviews and it is SO distracting.
Perhaps I’m mistaken but he seem distracted. And annoyed.