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by Kit Knightly | Nov 19, 2022
This past week saw G20’s annual meeting taking place in Bali, with the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies signing a pledge that commits to:
Yes, while everyone was so nicely distracted by the “fall of Kherson” and that missile that allegedly hit Poland, leaders from around the world were gathering in matching shirts and publishing their plans for world government in glossy little ring binders.
We’ve already seen the COP27 focus on “alternative farming” (ie. lab-grown meat and eating insects), but the G20 leader’s declaration is much more ambitious. And we still have the UN Biodiversity Summit to look forward to.
Yes, the creepy global gathering season is really hitting its stride, and the participants are making no secret of their global plans moving forward.
You can read the whole thing here, we’ll just be pulling out a few key quotes.
For starters let’s take a look at the “theme” of this year’s summit, which has a very familiar ring to it:
Recover together, recover stronger”.
Call me crazy, but that sounds like just another way of saying “build back better”, doesn’t it?
You might expect any declaration made under the “build back better” banner to be filled with Great Reset talking points…and you’d be absolutely correct.
There’s a re-dedication to the ongoing war on food, and an echoing of the COP27 focus on “innovation” and “reform” in agriculture [emphasis added throughout]:
We will take further coordinated actions to address food security challenges including price surges and shortage of food commodities and fertilizers globally […] ensure that food systems better contribute to adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and halting and reversing biodiversity loss, diversify food sources […] We are committed to supporting the adoption of innovative practices and technologies, including digital innovation in agriculture and food systems to enhance productivity and sustainability
To be clear, “mitigating climate change” means “farming less meat”; “diversifying food sources” means “eating bugs”; and “innovative practices and technologies” means lab-grown meat and/or yeast paste.
There’s a LOT of material on “reversing” or “mitigating” climate change, including overly verbose pledges to “reform” energy supplies:
We reiterate our commitment to achieve global net zero greenhouse gas emissions/carbon neutrality […] scaling up the deployment of clean power generation, including renewable energy, as well as energy efficiency measures, including accelerating efforts towards the phasedown of unabated coal power
You don’t need me to translate that.
And after that comes the “pandemic preparedness” spiel, calling for a “legally binding instrument” to “strengthen” global pandemic preparedness:
We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen global health governance, with the leading and coordination role of WHO and support from other international organizations. We support the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that will draft and negotiate a legally binding instrument that should contain both legally binding and non-legally binding elements to strengthen pandemic [preparedness]
That has been on the agenda for a while, you can read our previous pieces on it here and here.
Next there’s the promise to control the internet more strictly, for the sake of “security”:
We acknowledge that affordable and high-quality digital connectivity is essential for digital inclusion and digital transformation, while a resilient, safe and secure online environment is necessary to enhance confidence and trust in the digital economy […] We acknowledge the importance to counter disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, online abuse, and ensuring security in connectivity infrastructure
If you’ve been waiting with bated-breath for them to mention central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), well wait no longer:
We welcome the report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) on interlinking payment systems [and] the joint report by the BIS CPMI, BISIH, IMF, and World Bank on options for access to and interoperability of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for cross-border payments
Finally – and probably most concerning of all – they pledge to introduce international vaccine passports:
We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations. We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks
There you have it, the G20 shopping list that includes (but is not limited to): Food reform, energy reform, pandemic legislation, “cyber security”, CBDCs, and vaccine passports/digital ID.
Nothing surprising, but unusual to see it all laid out in one document like that.
And let’s not forget the more old-fashioned motive – greed. The “pledge” is riddled with talk of “funding gaps”, donations, and “public-private partnerships”.
All of these serve as cover for international money laundering, embezzling, and other ways of funneling tax-payer money into the over-stuffed pockets of the 1%.
Oh, a little reminder to those who still believe Russia is fighting the good fight against the globalist baddies in Ukraine – Russia is a member of the G20 and signed the pledge.
As did China, along with every other member of BRICS.
There are no heroes here, they are all in it together…but their war sure made for a good distraction, didn’t it?
Basically, it’s all just confirmation – if confirmation were needed – that the Great Reset is still coming. Even if Covid goes away, the new normal is here to stay.
But, of course, that was always the plan.