Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Israel Lobby’s Useful Idiot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Israel Lobby’s Useful Idiot

Kennedy has vowed to make “the moral case for Israel,” which is the equivalent of making the moral case for apartheid South Africa. He repeats, almost verbatim, talking points from the Israeli propaganda playbook put together by the Republican pollster and political strategist, Frank Luntz.

The Mess Democrats Have Made

The Mess Democrats Have Made

Democrats have emerged since Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016 as a party of liberal authoritarians intent on imposing their political hegemony on our republic by whatever means this project requires.

The Electric Kool-Aid Trump Indictment

The Electric Kool-Aid Trump Indictment

So false statements, private gatherings, and words that “erode” trust in government could end up defined as elements of felony conspiracy, maybe even sedition. That’s a concept that would make John Adams or Mitchell Palmer blush.

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