A Community That Pools All Their Possessions

A Community That Pools All Their Possessions

The Bruderhof (meaning roughly “the house of brothers”) was founded as a Christian intentional community practicing biblical koinonia — the radical Christian sharing of all possessions in common for the sake of the gospel by loving others.

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On Missing Dr. Strangelove

On Missing Dr. Strangelove

Detailed studies of the Cuban missile crisis have revealed that Kennedy and his men were acting on information that was all too often inadequate or simply wrong. They thought themselves in a position to control events when they weren’t.

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The Lords of Chaos

The Lords of Chaos

The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in the Middle East, and who seek a world dominated by U.S. power, must be held accountable for their crimes.

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Stop Calling The Iraq War A ‘Mistake’

Stop Calling The Iraq War A ‘Mistake’

If the invasion of Iraq was a “mistake”, western government officials would be residing in prison cells at The Hague, countless pundits and journalists would now be working behind cash registers in retail shops, and US foreign policy would have undergone a massive, dramatic overhaul.

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Defining Humanity, Defending the Person, Part 2

Defining Humanity, Defending the Person, Part 2

We need communities and institutions where we explore and celebrate together what it means to be human persons so that we may learn to use technology wisely, and perhaps even reverse the current trend of dehumanizing ourselves.

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