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Nothing that used to be evidence of reality is trustworthy, thus we are all easily manipulated. The determining factor as to what is real or not is who said it is real, not concrete evidence. It’s as simple as that.
Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel reported the foundation pocketed approximately $260 million in profit – more than 15 times its original investment – most of it untaxed because it was invested through the foundation.
Monbiot calls criticism of RePlanet “conspiracism” – but the evidence suggests otherwise.
Focus on the steady march of the police state at both the national, state and local levels, and the essential freedoms that are being trampled underfoot in its single-minded pursuit of power.
Politico gives National Socialism its finest makeover since “Springtime for Hitler.”
There is not enough collateral anywhere to satisfy all the derivative claims. The majority of derivatives now involve interest rate swaps, and interest rates have shot up. The bubble looks ready to pop.