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Klaus Schwab, the Aspen Institute and others flip the meaning of a word that once meant the empowerment of populations against political elites.
In the end, future historians may agree that Trump was a clear and present danger to liberal democracy, but only because Democrats made him one.
Public money supposedly deployed to “fight poverty” or “save the planet” is in fact being used to build a nightmarish “smart” world, an all-inclusive digital slave-labour camp in which both human and natural capital are sources of sustainable enrichment and power for the global parasites.
Kennedy has vowed to make “the moral case for Israel,” which is the equivalent of making the moral case for apartheid South Africa. He repeats, almost verbatim, talking points from the Israeli propaganda playbook put together by the Republican pollster and political strategist, Frank Luntz.
Americans are not stupid to wonder about the priorities of the Biden administration and why Ukraine gets a blank check as Americans continue to suffer. Illusions may be comfortable, but they don’t put food on the table or pay health care bills.
These comics traffic in a self-defeating cynicism that eschews all critiques of the real configurations of power. Power only laughs at its own jokes.