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For any of these sweeping powers to be invoked, there would be no requirement for an “actual” health emergency in which people are suffering measurable harm; instead it would be sufficient for the DG, acting on his or her discretion, to have identified the mere “potential” for such an event.
As we have seen with the vaccines, almost no social cost can keep a lucrative pharmaceutical off the market.
We must stop ignoring the elephant. No more blaming pangolins, or bats, or lab leaks, or wild dogs. We must stop believing in fairy-tales because the TV news drummed up paranoia and showed pictures of people dying in local hospitals.
Global agribusiness corporations create or contribute to hunger, illness and malnutrition, displace rural communities, destroy smallholder agriculture, place farmers on seed and chemical treadmills and wreck and pollute ecosystems.
The Biden administration is facing an existential threat to the government-wide regime it set up to curtail purported misinformation about COVID-19, elections and Hunter Biden’s laptop, as a federal judge knocked down all but one challenge to a censorship lawsuit by Louisiana, Missouri and doctors.
This question must be faced head-on because contrary to common belief, eugenics didn’t die with the Nazis. It is very much alive and kicking in scientific circles in the UK and US.