Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail

Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail

Technocracy, in all its facets—from the UN’s 2030 Agenda to the brain chips and AI godheads of the transhumanists to the CBDC social credit surveillance state—is anti-human. It goes against nature itself. It cannot work in the long run and it is destined to fail.

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Documents show collusion between the CDC and Big Tech

Documents show collusion between the CDC and Big Tech

Instructions and information was flowing both ways, with CDC sending Twitter a chart of posts it flagged as misinformation, and arranging “Be On the Lookout” meetings taking place on a regular basis, while Twitter would ask CDC for help in weeding out said misinformation.

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Fight for Peace Today

Fight for Peace Today

All that I ask is that for peace
You fight today, you fight today
So that the children of the world
May live and grow and laugh and play.

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We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup

We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup

It’s just a matter of time before government agents will know everywhere we’ve been and how long we were at each place by following our shed DNA. After all, scientists can already track salmon across hundreds of square miles of streams and rivers using DNA.

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Tolerant, Peaceful Bonobos: The Model for Human Peacemaking?

Tolerant, Peaceful Bonobos: The Model for Human Peacemaking?

It is the bonobos’ peaceful nature and how it relates to the rare ability of humans to show tolerance and cooperate with one another that is the subject of a new study by Harvard primatologists. Bonobos have been dubbed “hippie apes” by researchers due to their harmonious disposition and active sex lives, the Harvard Gazette reported.

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Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID

Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID

Continued virus evolution and outbreaks could be used as additional excuses to print more money by the central banks. Under this theory, the vaccine passport was merely a gateway device for what would eventually become a central bank digital currency system that would monitor vaccine compliance and institute a social credit score to make sure you were a good citizen.

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