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U.S. military spending is, of course, astronomically high — more than that of the next nine countries combined. Here’s the kicker, though: the Pentagon (an institution that has never passed a comprehensive financial audit) doesn’t even ask for all those yearly spending increases in its budget requests to Congress.
On September 11, 1973, Salvador Allende’s democratic government in Chile was ousted by United States-backed forces in one of the Cold War’s defining moments. Allende himself was killed during the coup. Many thousands of Chileans were either murdered, “disappeared”, imprisoned, and coerced to emigrate or enter exile.
“This is Queen Elizabeth’s legacy. A legacy of colonial violence and plunder. A legacy of racial segregation and institutionalized racism.”
The royals have always considered themselves of superior stock to the commoners, a breed apart from the poor downtrodden masses who toil in squalor beneath them.
An analysis of 27 years of “ongoing, systematic wrongdoing” by the pharmaceutical industry reveals the U.S. Department of Justice has levied billions of dollars worth of fines against pharma companies, often under the False Claims Act. The fines support government budgets but do nothing to reform the industry’s criminal behavior.
Unfortunately, “a case for depopulation” very much exists in the minds of the proverbial psychopaths—and they do have the means to pull it off.