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This isn’t just about Durov or Telegram. This is about the battle lines being drawn between governments that want absolute control and a shrinking pool of platforms still willing to fight for freedom.
Trump has been made the central figure in US politics around whom everything revolves, and whether the election is won by those who support him or those who oppose him, the imperial status quo is guaranteed to remain unchanged.
The realization of humanity’s emancipation is inconceivable without an appropriate period of consciously regulated transition from the existing order to a qualitatively different one.
John Bellamy Foster points to “Beyond Leviathan” by István Mészáros for insights into the ancient origins of the state and nature of its evolution over thousands of years, the necessity to move beyond the state and how to meet that challenge.
Geoengineering was already underway before this report was issued in 2010. In the usual paternalistic style of these memos from our overlords, we are assured that this testing has been “very small scale”.
In an ‘integral’ populist movement, the left has to figure out how to get beyond thinking of and calling the right ‘fascists’ and the right has to get beyond thinking of and calling the left ‘communists.’