COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation

COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society. There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

From YouTube to WHO-Tube

From YouTube to WHO-Tube

The WHO and aligned health authorities which have attempted to control the narrative have consistently denied the role of combination, early treatments of covid-19, such as those involving ivermectin, vitamin D, quercetin, that have saved many thousands of lives) as misinformation.

AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy

AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy

The government’s “technotyranny” surveillance apparatus has become so entrenched and entangled with its police state apparatus that it’s hard to know anymore where law enforcement ends and surveillance begins.

The Pandemic Isn’t Over

The Pandemic Isn’t Over

White House officials are also in on the act. “Get vaxed. Wear masks. Open windows & turn on fans”. The US have stockpiled 750 million N95 masks which will be sent to Americans for free.

Tear down all the plexiglass

Tear down all the plexiglass

It’s abundantly clear that plexiglass served no purpose during the COVID-19 pandemic. In most cases it was merely useless. In some cases, it created stagnant pockets of air and may have accelerated transmission. It’s a highly visible marker of how irrational we were.

Dr. Birx: Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit

Dr. Birx: Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit

As the country masks up yet again for a new variant, and is gradually being groomed for another round of disease panic, Deborah Birx can collect whatever royalties come from sales of her book while working at her new gig, a consultant to a company that makes air purifiers (ActivePure).

Los Angeles mask mandate

Los Angeles mask mandate

The mandate won’t apply to gyms or yoga studios. They say they won’t ticket or punish you, if you don’t comply. But all of this is fine for adults. Kids will return to school and there will be no mercy for them. They will be obliged to mask up. Another year of stupidity.

The Psychology of Totalitarianism

The Psychology of Totalitarianism

If you lack the courage to oppose something you know is wrong, as history repeatedly shows, that same evil will eventually show up at your doorstep where you will no longer have the ability to oppose it.

The Film About Julian Assange

The Film About Julian Assange

Ithaka is a heart-rending film that offers an important rebuttal to more than a decade of propaganda aimed at dehumanizing the WikiLeaks publisher.

Confidence in U.S. Institutions Down; Average at New Low

Confidence in U.S. Institutions Down; Average at New Low

Americans are less confident in major U.S. institutions than they were a year ago, with significant declines for 11 of the 16 institutions tested and no improvements for any. The largest declines in confidence are 11 percentage points for the Supreme Court — as reported in late June before the court issued controversial rulings on gun laws and abortion — and 15 points for the presidency, matching the 15-point drop in President Joe Biden’s job approval rating since the last confidence survey in June 2021.

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